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PUTTING THE DEVICE UP TO, her ear, Y/N let the sound of a humming noise go through her ears as she glanced up at the angel that stared straight into her eyes, worried because of her reaction. It didn't seem like she was close with her mother, and the blonde thought that must've been a pain. He didn't even hear her mention anything about her the whole time. It was almost as if she didn't exist. Raziel was wondering if he should've brought it up anytime soon, but he thought it would've been best to leave it since she was already annoyed by his presence.

"Mom...? H-How come you're calling me..?" She breathed out with her other hand reaching up to the top of her head before she intertwined a chunk of her H/C hair through her fingers to calm the nerves that grew inside of her. Her voice was shaky, and it was clear that they definitely weren't on good terms, yet for some reason she still craved the figure she had look after her for most of her life.

There wasn't anything but silence on the other side of the phone, and for a few minutes, Y/N could've sworn that her mother hung up because she called her on accident or something of the sort. That was until she heard a familiar voice clear her throat, "Hello, Y/N. It's your mother. You obviously already knew that so I have no idea why I'm telling you that... But anyway, we need to speak. It's about your brother."

That's when Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, a little hurt by the fact that her own mother that wanted nothing to do with her before was only calling her over someone else. She just wanted to feel needed by her mother for once, but no. She knew she would never get that feeling unless she died, "What? What happened to him..? Is he alright...?"

"No, he's not. He's on drugs again." The mother responded with, causing Y/N to tense up for a split second before she spoke again, the articulate tone in her voice intimidating the younger female, "He misses you, Y/N. You should come back... Not for me, but for him. He shouldn't be going through anything like this. He's too young, and I'm afraid I can't get him the help he needs."

Furrowing her brows further, the H/C haired girl almost scoffed by what she was hearing, knowing very well that her mother was filthy rich and could definitely pay for someone to help her younger brother, "What the hell are you talking about?? Why can't you get him the help he needs...? I'm pretty sure you know some good-"

"No. It's the same thing with you. My image will be ruined if I get him help, and I'll be seen as a bad mother. I am not risking that." Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she also could. Her mother was always this way. Mostly worried about what other people would've seen whenever she made the slightest movement. It eventually became a big problem, but it never got as bad on her. Her brother was in danger, and she didn't know what to do to help.

Clenching her jaw while she continued rolling her H/C hair through her fingers, she felt a cringe making its way at onto her face, and that's all she felt she could've done in the moment instead of immediately sprinting to her old home to save her younger brother from the witch, "Why are you like this?? Please, just get him help. He's only thirteen."

"He needs you. He said it himself." Those dry words caused Y/Ns breath to hitch, and her heart to sink because she knew what she'd done. She left without any explanation at all, and it had a serious impact on the little H/C haired boy. He was already abusing substances that not even Y/N could've gotten at that age, and it showed the damage she'd done on him.

Of course she knew it wasn't entirely all her fault because their mother still existed, but the thought of her being apart of his issues was really hurtful. She didn't want him to think she was abandoning him in any kind of way, "What the f-fuck do you want me to do...??"

"Well I don't know. I just thought you could've helped. You're the reason why he's turned out this way in the first place, you know." She added onto the worries that filled through Y/Ns mind, and once the daughter processed those words, she froze up and everything felt like it went dark around her.

She just wanted to sink on the floor as she completely forgot about the Angel that placed a hand on her shoulder, almost startling her before she remembered who he was. She shifted her E/C gaze onto him and let a sigh pass her lips before she calmed down, feeling the warmth hall up in the palm of his hand while he rubbed up and down her shoulder, "M-Mom. Don't say things like that-"

"Do not call me your mother. It's Lydia to you." She reminded, the same expressionless look over her face. It sucked that Y/N could tell the exact face she had on because she had so much memories of it, "Now... Are you coming for your addict of a brother or what?"

Raziel was in genuine shock at what was happening, but he'd definitely seen worse. He just had so much empathy in his heart that the words only made him want to cry as he watched the young woman slightly tear up, a frown laying upon her soft lips while she tried to conceal her true feelings through the phone.

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