Chapter 24 Day 3 sleepy

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After the drama was over they went to see athy . 

" Where's anos 💢"

They saw athy , anos and rimuru talking

" A warning would have been nice ," says Satan annoyed while being covered in wine"

" You look nice' ," says anos smirking"

" Let it go I have no energy to argue right now ," says dilluc tiredly "

" Yea let's go play some gulf," says Arjen in a mocking manner"

" athy are you tired ," asks Zia looking at athy who's on the verge of falling asleep "

" Yes" says athy in a sleepy manner"

" I'm taking her anyone wanna come with me ," asks zarinah holding athanasia in her arms as she slept "

" Count me in ," says Juliana and Zena"

" Well guys see you tomorrow," says zarinah leaving with Zena and Juliana "

Now with zarinah, Juliana and Zena they saw haruki , shido and poeisdon with Asmo.

Daddy ," calls zarinah while holding athanasia "

Yes ," replied Asmo, poeisdon and shido"

Oops ," says haruki waving at both Juliana and Zena "

Asmo glares at both Poseidon and shido .

Daddy Don't be angry towards them ," says zarinah trying to calm him down "

Tch fine but listen here do something to my daughter I will hunt you down ," says Asmo glaring at them while patting zarinah head and going away"

Zia your dad is so overprotective," says shido sweatdroping "

I agree ," says poeisdon leaning towards shido"

Who's that your holding on your arms ," asks shido "

My cousin from mother's side," says zarinah smiling "

Snowy seems to like her thought," says poeisdon"

Yea she does," says zarinah smiling"

Shido and poeisdon went towards zarinah and kissed her on the lips while she blushed. She kissed them on the cheek .

Athy is sleeping so I can't take a risk ," says zarinah blushing"

It's fine ," says poeisdon"

You were really beautiful today ," says shido smiling at her while she blushed"

The dress really suits you ," says poeisdon smirking"

Thanks poeisdon," says zarinah blushing"

Zarinah looks behind haruki and say he was flirting with Juliana and Zena.

Haruki let's go ," says shido "

One sec ," says haruki as he hugged both Juliana and Zena"

Take care ," says haruki smiling"

You too Zia nee san ," says haruki "

Zarinah smiles at him

He sure is sweet isn't he ," says zarinah"

Both Juliana and Zena blushed at that .

Well see ya tomorrow," says zarinah waving at them"

Zarinah knocks at aunt Diana room and she opened it .

Oh my she feel asleep," asks diana"

Yea must be tired from watching the play ," says zarinah" .

All right thank-you dear ," says diana pinching her cheeks" .

" No problem auntie bye ," says zarinah handing athy to diana as she picks her up from zarinah arms "

Zarinah went to train with her brothers which lasted like whole night .

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