Chapter 32 I will not change my mind

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Everyone who was present in obelia was scared of what happened with the baron . Even Claude and Felix was scared .

Well are you gonna talk or not ," says shido Coldly"

Everyone flinches at his glare .

Claude then leads them to the meeting room .

The one who was present in the meeting was the emperor and his loyal guard Felix, Duke alpheus and his son , Rosaline Judith and Jennette and obelian nobles.

Why suddenly all 4 empire declared war with obelia," asks Claude Coldly"

That's right that too at my wedding day do you have any idea how you people made my day worst ," says Jennette angrily"

Zarinah and shido smirked

Oh you should knows exactly why ," says zarinah Coldly "

Your highness how can we know," asks Duke alpheus "

Does the name athanasia ring a bell ," says zarinah Coldly "

Everyone except shido was surprised by this .

What does that stupid wench have to do with this ," says Claude Coldly"

Zarinah glared at them

I'll watch that pathetic mouth if I was you ," says zarinah glaring at him"

Claude flinches at her glare .

If I can make them hate athanasia they'll be on my side ," thought Jennette"

Oh yes athanasia she poisened me out of jealousy it was really painful," says Jennette fake crying"

Don't cry Jennette she's not here ," says Rosaline comforting her neice "

" That's right princess Jennette that lowlife is not here"

" She's just like her mother a whore"

" Well that's too be expected her mother was a commoner"

" How can a commoner daughter even stand a chance against our lovely princess"

" She's just a half Royal while our princess is a pureblood"

Felix just stayed silent looking down .
Shido and zarinah was disgusted by how these people acted .

Can you people shut up ," says zarinah glaring at them Coldly"

How disgusting," says shido looking at Jennette Coldly "

Zarinah and shido faced Claude who was silent for the whole time .

What about you what do you have to say about this she's your daughter too ," says zarinah Coldly "

That wench ain't my daughter," says Claude Coldly "

Your highness but what does athanasia have to do with this ," asks Duke alpheus "

Athanasia, he calls her name so casually," thought zarinah darkly"

Zarinah calms down

That wench have gotten lucky if it wasn't for that man she would have been executed right away ," says Claude Coldly "

This settles everything," says zarinah gazing at shido"

It certainly does ," says shido gazing at zarinah"

Jennette thought they were giving up on war and siding with her but.

This was nothing but a waste of time to meet with you scumbag ," says zarinah Coldly"

Everyone except shido eyes widened

But you said everything's settled," says Jennette annoyed"

She did ," says shido Coldly"

Then please explain why you said this was a waste of time," says Duke alpheus scared "

Oh I'll tell you ," says zarinah "

You have some nerve to treat my cousin miserably ," says zarinah Coldly "

Shido looks at Claude

Does the name diana ring a bell ," asks shido Coldly "

Felix eyes widened

How do you know lady diana ," asks Felix"

I have no memory of that person," says Claude Coldly"

She was athanasia mother ," says shido Coldly"

What does the commoner have to do with this ," asks Duke alpheus arrogantly"

Zarinah just laughs at him .

Commoner who even said my aunt is a commoner," says zarinah smirking"

Zarinah glares at them

My aunt is the third princess of Atlantas Empire," says zarinah Coldly"

Rosaline then remember what that man said on the execution day . Rosaline was sweating too much .

Zarinah and shido got up from their seat .

I will not change my mind about this war ," says zarinah Coldly"

You people of obelia have mistreated my cousin do you seriously think we'll let you go that easily," says zarinah Coldly"

Not only that insulting princess diana and calling her names I dare you to say those things in front of his majesty Edward," says shido Coldly"

Everyone except shido and zarinah eyes widened. Jennette was angry while Roger and Rosaline was sweating bullets.

Zarinah and shido released their pink and emerald aura which made everyone scared .

I have nothing to say ," says shido

Zarinah turns to Jennette and smirked

And to answer your question karma is a bitch you know just like how you ruined athanasia debute that's exactly what we did to you Chimera," says zarinah smirking"

Let's go shido ," says zarinah holding his hand"

Of course dear ," says shido holding zarinah hand"

And they teleported back to Atlantas

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