15 Invitation

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A week passed by in blur! The next day of knowing about his grandfather's condition he contacted his buddy who happens to be a doctor whose father was a big client of Arhaan! Since Arhaan was a Vip and a very respected man of the country the donor was arranged rather quickly!

Surgery was scheduled after three days! Every body of the family waited for hours to listen a better news after 4 long hours the doctors finally came outside and told the family that surgery went successful but the chances of cancer reappearing at any time were present!

The family was glad that he made it out safely Arhaan, his uncle, Ali everybody took a breath of relief! Arhaan didn't allow Emaan to join them at hospital as their grandmother was also present Arhaan ignored her like a nobody but Emaan wouldn't have she would've have gotten herself hurt!

Next day after surgery Arhaan took Emaan to meet him! The old man was not very healthy he was very weak and sick but he managed to beg forgiveness from both Arhaan and Emaan. Emaan cried along with him and forgave him! Arhaan eventually did too but he still maintained his distance not because he wanted but because he just couldn't allow himself to embrace everything!

He was not a 14 year old boy anymore he was changed the hardships he faced changed him! Being a responsible adult and a guardian along with being a student aswell as a entrepreneur changed him! He was closed off guy now! He only laugh and smile with his sister or his brother! Rest of the world only saw his cold side!

Arhaan's life was changed at a very young age! His mother's betrayal his father's death made him a tough guy! He chooses to be a strong person rather than being a affected child! He gave up everything just to make his sister have a better childhood!

He loves Emaan as his own daughter he sometimes wonders if he will ever have  children will he be able to love them the way he does to his sister!

The day Emaan was born there father was at job he wasn't able to reach hospital on time! 11 year old Arhaan took his mother to hospital he was the one who helped his mother descend the stairs he was the one who ran on a road to call auto! He holded his mother's hand and escorted her till labour room!

After 3 hours of a c-section little  Emaan was born! Their father was still not there as he was working on a construction site and his phone had no signals! His mother was fainted after a tiring delivery. It was Arhaan who held her in his arms first time he was the one who looked at her innocent brown eyes for the first time!

The first time he saw her he promised himself to love her against all the odds! Emaan was not a planned child! Their parents were going through huge financial crisis they couldn't afford another child but Emaan came as a surprise!

Arhaan was to excited when he got to know about his little sibling he declared that if he will have a baby sister he will name her Emaan! When he holded Emaan for the first time it was him who named her!

Taking care of two children was getting super expensive that is when Arhaan's mother tried for a job when Emaan was a year old! She started working in a beauty salon and use to come back late while their father also started his 3rd job in a day both of the parents use to come home late it was again Arhaan who use to feed her food! It was him who use clean her! He did everything a mother or a father should do!

6 months of working until his mother eventually got done she decided to leave luckily for her she met a distant cousin who promised her a marriage! Money and USA sounded soo good that she left her two children and flew off!

After their mother's departure their father became a lifeless human! He felt lost his wife's betrayal killed him inside. He left all his luxuries for her but she left him! He became addicted to cigarettes he loved his children but everytime he looks at Arhaan doing a better job than him with Emaan he felt completely dejected! His heartbreak his cigarette habit all took a toll on him and he passed away when his heart collapsed! His brother was shattered when he got to know!

Mahv_e_Hairat (lost in wonder)Where stories live. Discover now