38 custody

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Amaan snapped at his mother and left the room! He ran towards the parking lot and cried! He put his face in his hands and cried!

Ever since he was child all he hoped was his mother coming back to him love him take care of him but she never did! He wanted his step siblings to take care of him love him but they never did!

His step father always abused him put false allegations on him and his mother always believed him! He did many despicable things just to make his mother turn back to him but she never did!

He tried different techniques for attention but she never gave him that! The day his step father accused him of having pot on him he wanted his mother to trust him but she never did!

But today was the day it hurted more than ever because all the hopes of getting loved by his mother got crushed today! He decided to build hard walls around his heart he would never attach himself to someone else because he was sure every single relationship is fake! If the mother can hate his child than anybody else can does to!

Amaan wanted nothing at this moment but to harm himself his mind was again going to dark thoughts and this time he doesn't want them to end he wants to end himself today! He was sure her mother's oldest son would also toss him like their mother did he had no expectations!

Amaan decided to search for a blade or something but the car honk disturbed him! He decided to stand in front of the car maybe the car will crush him!

Arhaan stopped the car at right time when he noticed the boy wasn't moving! Arhaan suddenly got angry he came out of the car and shouted!

Amaan's face was covered with his hoodie and Arhaan was to angry to notice his face! He just yelled!

"Are you mad?" He yelled angrily and Amaan flinched!

Emaan quickly came out and ran to Arhaan!

"Calm down bhaiya!" She said firmly!

"Go!" She turned to silent boy and Amaan ran inside another failed attempt more tears escaped his eyes!

Arhaan called his mother and told her to send Amaan!

"Bhaiya?" Emaan said!

"Han?" Arhaan asked

"Be nice to him please!" She requested!

"I will be!" Arhaan smiled at her!

Amna called Amaan and asked him to meet in the lobby! She herself entered and saw Emaan and Arhaan there!

Emaan stood up shocked! She met her a day ago the lady she bumped into was her mother she failed to recognise her!

Emaan was in hurry that day but now that she can notice her mother she wondered how much they both resemble to each other!

Emaan held Arhaan's hand tight! She wanted to keep her feelings shut! Arhaan gave her the silent comfort!

"Amaan?" Arhaan asked her mother coldly!

"Ata hoga balke agaya!" She started but Amaan came right in that moment!

Amaan was yet to grow his height he was a normal 14 year old boy with shorter height! He wasn't wearing the cap of his hoodie so the face was quite visible!

This Time Arhaan gripped Emaan's hand tight! Amaan was an exact replica of his father! Arhaan was more like his grandfather and uncle but Amaan looked exactly like his father his eyes were like him he shared resemblance with Ali aswell!

Emaan noticed that he was the same person who jumped in front of their car! Arhaan was still in haze to notice that!

Amaan walked towards Arhaan! Arhaan wanted nothing more than to hug him but Amaan was stoic!

Mahv_e_Hairat (lost in wonder)Where stories live. Discover now