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Houston Texas

In a beautiful lavish Mansion A 50 year old Women was working on her laptop sitting in living room! She was none other than Aman Khalid previously knows as Amna Ahmed khan!

Amna was 19 when she married Ahmed khan they were college sweethearts super madly in love with each other and Amna was from poor low background but Ahmed khan was son of the biggest tycoon of the country!

Amna loved him but mostly saw him as an opportunity to have a better life! They got married right after college ended she was certain that his parents will get convinced and will give him his share!

Ahmed khan was a very hardworking man he had high self esteem the day his parents threw him out of their house was the day he decided to work hard and provide for his family! He was very much in love with Amna! He decided to give her a best life he worked really hard to make her happy her one smile and he gets over the moon but she never cared for his efforts!

Arhaan was born after 2 years of their marriage Amna gave birth to their first child thinking that her in-laws will now accept her as she have given him the heir but his mother in law was adamant and so was her husband he was not ready to go them and beg forgiveness!

Ahmed started working really hard three jobs a day to meet ends raising a child was not easy but he was still happy but his wife wasn't everyday she use to fight with him asking for money!

Little Arhaan was loved by his father they were best buddies but as time passed Ahmed started working more and more to satisfy his wife because all she wanted was money Arhaan started missing his father and soon his mother also started working and he grew up alone!

The couple somehow managed to survive but Amna's patience was now getting thin Arhaan was almost 11 now she was ready to leave her husband until one day she found out she is pregnant!

Ahmed begged her to let the child alive! 9 months later when little Emaan was born Ahmed was escalated but his wife was adamant that he have to ask for money from his father or else she will take his children away!

With a very broken and bruised self respect he went to his parents asking for money but they didn't give him a penny they threw him out especially his mother! Ahmed came back home defeated!

All hopes of becoming rich of Amna's were now broken that was the day daily fights became a part of their life Ahmed started working as waiter to afford Emaan and Arhaan's expenses but none of it was enough!

One day Amna met his rich divorcee cousin who was in awe of Amna's beauty he proposed her and Amna saw this a biggest getaway she fought with his husband and threatened to take his children away until he divorces her and Ahmed khan cried and begged for her to stay but she didn't he very reluctantly signed divorce!

He tried raising his two children alone but none of it was working his deteriorating health made him loose his job living without his wife was taking a toll on him one fine day he passed away by heart attack in his early thirties!

2 months after her divorce and moving to states Amna found out that she was pregnant with Ahmed's child she wanted to give her one child a life she wants for him she kept it hidden from her world!

She took care of Khalid's two children and was busy enjoying his money khalid made it very clear that he won't father a looser's child but because Amna was ready to take care of his children he decided to allow the boy to stay in his house!

Amna named Amaan combining both her children name but she never loved any of them the new found wealth made her greedy she ignored her child and never took care of Amaan aswell!

Mahv_e_Hairat (lost in wonder)Where stories live. Discover now