Chapter 3

174 6 1

(My Hero By Foo Fighters)

Foolish's Pov

I sat in the same corner as I always do. The bar wasn't that busy right now, and I was just sitting there on my phone. Eryn was nowhere to be found. The bar was quiet. The bar was cold. Something felt so wrong.

Julie was running the bar by herself, Rylee had off, and I had no clue where Eryn was. That was until she waltzed into the bar. A navy blue suit hung close to her body, with black heels on. She looked professional, and she looked amazing.

She looked around the bar, checking on things, and her eyes met mine. She smiled before stopping what she was doing, walking over, and sitting across from me. Her hands were folded in front of her, and she smiled.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of having you here two nights in a row?" She looked at me, her green eyes were breathtaking. Safe to say, I was down bad.

"I was bored." I shrugged and she laughed.

"That's so cute. You come to see me when you're bored." She joked and my face turned red. She doesn't need to know.

"Why are you dressed so fancy?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I had meetings all day. My feet hurt, I want to put my hair up, and I'm freezing." I pulled the hair tie off of my wrist and handed it to her. She looked at me with a confused look.

"I have sisters." She smiled and took it, putting her brown hair up into a bun. She closed her eyes and let out a breath. I unzipped my jacket, putting it around her shoulders.

"No you don't have to, i'm seriously okay-"

"Take it." Her face turned red as she nodded before putting her arms into my jacket. She laid her head down on the table and closed her eyes.

"I swear, running this place is so much work. But I love it so I wouldn't trade anything for it." She looked at me from where she was laying on the table and I swear my heart stopped.

"Why don't you go home and sleep?" I took a sip of my coke and she shook her head.

"I don't like being home alone. It freaks me out. Sometimes I sleep in my car."

"You should get a pet." I suggested and she laughed. I don't want her sleeping her car, that's unsafe.

"If i got a pet i would make sure its a fucking lion so nobody could ever come into my house." She spoke jokingly but part of me felt like it wasn't a joke.

"Plus I don't have my car right now, it's getting work done. So I'm stuck here all night until Julie is done." She let out a huff and pulled out her phone.

"I can take you home, or I can order you an uber?"

"I don't do ubers. Being in a strangers car does not make me feel comfortable. They could be a killer for all I know." She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"I can take you home." She looked at the time on her phone before looking over at Julie.

"I only trust you because you babysit Iris and Rylee doesn't go crazy about that." She pointed her finger at me before getting up and walking over to the bar. I put money down on the table, stood up and waited by the door for her.

My heart was beating so fast as she stood in front of me. She leaned down and grabbed her heels off.

"I'm sorry but I am in pain." I laughed, taking her heels and holding them in my hand. She walked next to me, down the sidewalk. My car was parked two spots away from the door. I hit the unlock button, and opened her door.

"You don't have to..." She sat down, waving her hand at the door. I put her heels on the floor next to her and she smiled.

"Thank you!" Her dimples popped out and my heart sped up.

"You're welcome. You all in?" I asked and she nodded her head yes. I closed my car door, and got into the driver's seat.

Once I sat down I put my belt on, and plugged my phone in. I unlocked my phone and handed it to her.

"Put in your address please." She smiled, putting her address into my maps.

"Your background is you and Iris, how frickin' cute." She pouted at the picture and I laughed.

"She's a booger."

"A booger?!"I let out a loud laugh before I started my car. Eryn looked at me, as I reversed out of the parking spot.

"Thank you for this." I could feel her eyes on me as I drove.

"Oh it's really no problem!" I assured her and I could feel her stare as I drove.

The soft music sounded through the speakers of my car, and I held a smile on my face.

"Are you gonna need a ride to the bar tomorrow?"

"I have no clue. I was gonna ask Rylee, but she has the day off. And I don't wanna keep bothering Julie." My hands started to sweat as I held onto the steering wheel.

"I can pick you up tomorrow, just put my number in your phone, and text me so I know it's you." She laughed as I turned to look at her at a red light. She is so beautiful. My phone dinged right after she set it down back into my cup holder. 

"I seriously don't wanna keep bothering you. The hair tie, the jacket, opening my door, driving me home." She went and listed everything off, and I felt my face heat up.

The light turned green forcing me to pry my eyes away from her.

"What time do you normally leave for work?" I spoke, pulling into a driveway to a white wood house. It was surrounded by acres of land. It had a wrap around porch, with a bench swing on it.

"Normally around 12. The bar opens at 2, I like to clean things up better and set up."

"I'll be here at 11. Your house is so nice!" My mouth hung open as I drove further up the driveway.

"Thank you! It needs a lot of work done. One room at a time." She let out a huff, pulling her keys out from my jacket pocket.

"If you ever need some muscle, I've got it." I held up my arm and she backed away before laughing.

"Thank you for the ride, Noah." She smiled, and my heart melted.

"Always here if you need me." She opened the door and started walking to her door with her keys in her one hand, heels in the other. She unlocked her door and walked in the house. Once she stepped inside i put my car in drive and drove away.

She still had my jacket. 

1172 Words 

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