things i wanna say to you

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"get to know you better."


"phew, that was heavy!"

"what're those cannon balls for?"

[name] peeked her head over to the crate of cannon balls that luffy was carrying around, trying to lift one of them but ultimately failing as it fell on her foot.


"i found this in the storage room!"

"the storage room? i guess merry and kaya provided us with something very useful."

nami smiled.

"we finally got a cannon so i thought i'd do a little bit of a practice!"

"ooh, let me join!"

usopp and luffy began pushing the small crate to the cannons on the main mast while [name] screeched and rolled around on the floor in pain, clutching her swollen foot.

"be more careful... and why are you even barefoot in the first place?"

nami sweat dropped, going back to reading her newspaper while the other girl kept rolling on the floor, clutching her foot with a groan.

"i can't walk now... i won't be able to walk ever in my life... i'm done for, i can't be a god this way..."

"for pete's sake... come here, let me take a look at it."

"hehehe, thanks miss nami.~ wanna marry me?"



"...not yet."


as luffy and usopp began firing cannon balls in random direction, nami took care of [name]'s swollen foot.

excluding the loud noises coming from the two boys, the ocean was awfully peaceful today.

no signs of storm anywhere at all, and the waves are tamed.

[name] moved her foot around when nami finished bandaging it, staring ahead with a thoughtful look.

"aren't you feeling hot?"

nami asked curiously as she picked up her newspaper once again, briefly glancing at the scarf around [name]'s neck that covered half of her face.

"maybe a bit warm, but nope. i'm used to this."


squinting her eyes suspiciously, nami leaned forward, her bangs brushing against [name]'s forehead which made the girl sweat nervously, backing away.

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