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"a beautiful lady indeed."


"hey, can we have another glass of wine here?"

"i'm not a damn waiter."

left baffled, an extravagantly dressed man watched as a blonde male walked away from him with a wine bottle, his jaw dropping even more in disbelief when the same blondie poured the fermented beverage to a woman's wine glass without her even asking.

"for you, madame. it's on the house."

"oh! thank you, sir! that's very kind of you."

despite knowing that the wine was reserved for someone else, he doesn't give a single care.

"it's what any man should do for a woman."

flirted the blonde male to the woman, sending her a wink.

he looked around and perked up when he caught sight of a beautiful looking woman in a red dress, but his gaze seemed to sour when his eyes landed on the tanned man that on the opposite chair to her.

a sense of recognition crossed his face and he walked over with the wine bottle in hand, finally spotting the people who had ordered the wine he was holding in the first place.

pouring the wine to their glasses, he gave the blonde woman a smile which she returned politely, and when he turned to her date to pour his wine, a blank expression rested on his face as if he was forcing himself to do it.

"hey, look. just as i thought, the man sitting over there is lieutenant fullbody."

one man gossiped to his acquaintance from another table, and another woman whispered to her friend.

"he's a lieutenant from the navy headquarters."

"huh? really?"

"he's gorgeous, how elegant..."

the fellow customers gossiped around and the man in question chuckled, hearing all of their chitter chatters amusing him.

"they're all talking about you."

the blonde woman in front of him giggled, swirling the wine in her glass around.

"it's probably because of your beauty."

fullbody raised his wine glass for a toast with her, the gentle clank of their glasses resounding through the whole room before they both took a sip.

fullbody then paused with his eyes wide in shock, looking at the glass of wine on his hand.

"this is good!"

he said, raising two fingers up to the blonde male who was still standing next to their table.

"this taste... hmm, this scent... this may be the scent of the soil of micquo of the north land, bitter with plenty of body, a tad sour..."

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