i'm here

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"love me, hate me."


"fishmen, huh..."

[name] peeked around the corner, watching as a group of fishmen passed by her hiding spot, each holding what seems to be bags of materials. what kind of materials? she has no idea.

"fishmen don't look the same as i imagined them to be!"

"shhh, luffy! don't be too loud!"

[name] shushed the boy, covering his mouth with her hand only to shriek when he bit her fingers.

"don't cover my mouth with that hand! you were using it to touch that dog earlier!"

"oh shush, quit acting like you're the most hygienic guy ever. "

she rolled her eyes, rubbing the bite mark on her fingers.

after meeting nami's older sister, nojiko, the two of them decided to stray away from the group with the excuse of not being interested in knowing the story of this island and nami's situation.

well, it was luffy's decision to not listen while [name] just followed after him, knowing he'll probably get into  trouble if he's even left alone for five seconds.

it was kind of a hard decision for her, choosing whether she should follow and babysit her childish captain or get to know nojiko more because damn, she's fine as hell.

in the end, she explored the island with luffy and now here they are, watching fishmen do their thing as if they're top secret spies when in reality they'd probably get caught the moment they start following them.

with how loud and chaotic they are, there's no such thing as stealth.

'ugh, it was a hard decision... getting to know nami's big sister sounds like the correct route to a happy ending, but i can't risk having luffy accidentally drown himself when left alone or something...'

she sulked, holding luffy by the back of his red vest as the boy tried to walk off in a random direction.

"c'mon [name], let's explore more! it's getting boring here!"

"no, we go at my own pace! if i let you lead then we'll definitely end up captured or something!"

"but you wouldn't let me get captured either way."

luffy snickered and [name] faltered, rubbing her chin in thought.

"hm... well, that is true. but still..."

luffy then gave her a thumbs up, grinning cutely while holding his strawhat in place as the wind breezed past them.

"you've always been very reliable, [name]! you're the best first mate ever in my opinion."

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