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Sept 18th

Honey sat on the couch with both boys on her side, they watched a cartoon that Matt had picked out. Honey had made them some brownies and made them both a cup of Nesquik strawberry milk to go with them.

Matt had only asked about Syd once, and Honey just told him that Sydney was out and would be back sooner than he expected. Carter on the other hand didn't ask about Syd at all since she had made him mad before she left the house.

Carter begged Syd to go with her, but she explained that he couldn't so he gained another attitude and slammed the door shut the best he could before he stomped his way up to Honey and crossed his arms.

He ranted about how Sydney didn't like him which Honey had to call her and get her to convince him that she did, which she didn't wanna do.

It's hard dealing with the Aquarius version of Sydney. She thought while staring down at the boy who laid his head in her lap, she ran her fingers through his hair and sighed.



"You need your hair braided again."

"No, that hurt." He admitted while raising his head up with a frown, Honey chuckled and held up her arms in surrender. "Not now." She told him while grabbing his little waist.

"Can mommy get a kiss?" He smiled and kissed Honey's head which made her giggle, she brought Carter down to her chest and held him against it, resting her cheek against his head.

She began to reminisce about when Carter was an arm baby, being the chubby little boy he was which she found cute. He has slimmed down now of course but managed to keep those cute little cheeks of his, the thought made her smile while she kissed his head.

"I love you." She told him while caressing his back, he giggled. "Luh you too, mommy." He said back before raising up. "Can I call my mommy?" Matt asked Honey, leaning up from the couch cushion.

"Yeah, where's your tablet?" She asked him, he climbed off the couch and went to get the device while Honey sat not knowing how to feel about Matt.

She would never hate him, it's not in her to be sour towards a kid. She kept telling herself that she couldn't be mad over something that happened when her and Syd weren't together.

But she didn't know how long she could keep telling herself that, guilt and regret shot through her chest as she began to think about the little moment she had just had with Carter, and Matt is in a completely different state with people he barley knows.

She had no problem with caring for Matt as she did with Carter, but boundaries should be set before anything. And she didn't know Matt's mom at all, nor was she sure he would be comfortable with her as much as his own mother.

The way he clung to Syd let her know so, she shook her head at the thought before snapping out of them when he came back with his tablet. He climbed onto the couch again and handed her the device, she opened it up and went to his little contact list where there was only Sydney and his mother.

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