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Thanksgiving Day

Honey sat in her car on an avenue, just a few houses down from her mother's. Carter sat in the backseat humming along to some Ne-Yo, the only thing that would keep his mind calm and free of Sydney.

Honey had told him that they'd see her again after some time, but for now they were just on a trip having mommy & son time. Carter bought it for the first few days, but afterwards he started to really miss Syd and he would cry himself to sleep every night while whining her name.

It pained Honey to have to comfort her son, knowing she felt the exact same way. There were multiple times were she thought about packing her things back up and heading right back to Georgia, but she remembered how unheard and useless she felt.

She tried considering things from Syd's point of view, which she started to see why Syd would think she was jealous and selfish. But then again she hoped that Syd would get where she was coming from, because they had been on rocky grounds for months.

All she wanted was to have her girlfriend from a year ago back, but she understand that people and things changed within time. And she had to accept that wether she liked it or not, the world surely didn't revolve around her.

But she felt as though her world revolved around her family, and she didn't get the same effort or love back. So leaving was the only option.

But not everything was on her relationship, she somewhat felt guilty due to her inner child being as equally damaged as her relationship. Maybe even worse.

Both things were able to be fixed with time, but time waited for no one. So the time was untelling, and until she put effort into both then nothing would change.

So this was her journey to becoming a woman.

She sucked in a deep breath before turning the car completely on, and then she pulled up to the said address. She turned off the car and looked back at Carter, he frowned since the music had stopped and Honey gave a weak smile.

It was evident that she had been crying, her eyes puffy and red and her nose slightly red and tender. "You ready?" She asked him, he nodded and started to unbuckle his seatbelt.

Honey grabbed what she felt she'd need, and then got out of the car and went around to grab Carter. She felt his pull up to make sure he wasn't wet or anything before she put him down and closed the door.

She helped him onto the curb and he walked alongside her, glancing around at the new environment. The warm Nevada air being something that Honey had to get accustomed to, so her outfit was a sundress and some sandals.

Carter had on a pair of red Nike shorts, one of Syd's black branded shirts, and his Yeezy slides. Honey observed the cameras on the house and gripped her handbag tighter, her phone as well.

Once she made it to the doorstep, she rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. After a minute, the door opened and an older looking Honey opened the door.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she stared out at Honey who tried her hardest not to cry, keeping a straight emotionless face.

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