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The Next Morning

Honey stared at the hospital TV screen that broadcasted the news all night long, she had been up since yesterday and it was currently 4:55AM. Her thoughts went everywhere the past few hours, there was nothing she couldn't think  about.

She worried about Syd, sitting over the woman watching and comforting her. Promising herself that she would no longer leave, that she would stay and be there for Syd no matter what because that's what the woman needed most.

Someone to show that they actually cared, someone with an optimistic outlook and would love her regardless of what they've went through.

Honey knew that she could never bring herself to up and leave Syd so suddenly, well at least not as easy. She'd try a trillion times before she left the woman, in hopes that she'd get it right.

She knew that Syd would, she just needed time and patience.

She held a sleeping Charli in her arms while Carter was in the bed with Syd.

She had an iv in her arm, and a few other wires stuck to her chest.  Her head was also wrapped and bandaged up, making Syd seem all beat up.

"You have to stop.. Sydney." She said just above a whisper, the grip on Syd's hand tightened. "This isn't you, I know it's not.." Honey continued.

"You're better than this, baby. Much better. So you have to stop, for me... your children, yourself.." She named off, sniffling a bit.

"Whatever it takes to get you better, I'll do. I'll be here every step of the way, baby. I promise. I'm not gonna give up on you, I know you're there Sydney. I'm never gonna give up.. just.. do better, please." Honey cried silently to herself, and suddenly she felt a light squeeze of her hand.

Syd shifted slightly and licked her lips. "I'm sorry, baby." She rasped out, her voice coming out completely dry and thick. Honey sniffled and began to brush her thumb over Syd's hand.

"I'll do better.. I promise." She squeezed Honey's hand as tight as she could at the time, Honey sniffled again before nodding. "Come on.." Syd insisted, Honey furrowed her eyebrows.

She began to shift over to make room for Honey, Carter shifting as well. Honey stood up and slowly let go of Syd's hand, she placed Charli securely in the cuff of Syd's arm without the IV.

She slipped out of her shoes and her jacket and pulled the blanket back, climbing into bed where she gently snuggled up next to Syd.

She wrapped her arm around the woman and tilted her head slightly, Honey reached over onto the table and grabbed Syd's water cup. She brought it to her lips and watched as she began to drink it before eventually finishing the cup.

Honey sat the cup back on the table and laid her head against Syd's shoulder. "Turn the tv off, my head hurts." Syd insisted, Honey reached over and grabbed the remote before doing as told; and then she resumed her position.

And soon enough she fell asleep in Sydney's arms.

- A Few Days Later -

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