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Later that night..

After their lovely entrance it was time for their first dance and Honey could feel how nervous Syd was based on the look in her eyes. They were at the center of the floor standing before each other, the chandelier lights shining on them, bringing their moment to life.

The sound of There's nothing better than love began to play throughout the building, Syd biting the inside of her jaw to keep from tearing up while Honey just stared up at her with doughy eyes.

They gradually found the pace of the song and swayed along to it, and all of Syd's nerves seemed to go away as her hands found their way down Honey's body. She innocently caressed her curves while holding her closely, as if someone would snatch Honey up and disappear for all eternity if she dared let her go.

Honey's arms were wrapped around Syd's neck, her own fingers intertwined as she assured herself repeatedly that Syd wasn't going anywhere.

Oh, love wakes me up everyday
And i thought no one
Could ever make me feel this
It fills me up
Everytime i hear her say
She's still in love and no one could take her love away

They swayed to the music and stared into each other's soul, Honey catching flashbacks of every moment they had ever spent together from the time Syd landed on her doorstep, to the time they found out their first child was a boy, and then the blessings of a girl a few years after.. leading up to this moment.

She was so content and at peace with her life now, she was married and had her own family. Something she never thought she would accomplish in all honesty, and though her friends joked about it she somewhat believed it.

Her vows ran through her head as she stared at Sydney.

Sydney, you're the one i choose to love my dreams with.. my best friend, and actual soulmate. I choose you today and I'll choose you forever

"Why you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're my wife." Honey replied after a few seconds of silence, smirking at Syd's sudden silence. "Stop looking at me like that or we gonna have more than a first dance.." Syd challenged, Honey tilted her head up to the sight and sighed to herself, Syd could see her lips curling into a smile.

They proceeded with the dance, and Honey got more sensual and handsy every second which was insanely driving Syd to the core. Everyone clapped and cheered as they still held each other, looking into each others soul.

The other not daring to back down from the intense gaze they shared, and that's when Honey knew that Syd got her gist. And Syd knew that Honey was saying fuck the honeymoon.

They wrapped up their dance and Syd charismatically guided Honey toward the big table, pulling back the woman's chair for her. She watched Honey who sat down and flipped her hair over her shoulder before giving her another doughy look, she took her seat next to Honey and rested her hand on the woman's thigh underneath the table.

"Want me to fix your plate?"

"Yeah... hurry." Honey insisted while Syd gave her thigh a light squeeze before she got up and headed across the venue to the food bar, where they had all kinds of different food options for their guest.

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