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I took out the stick from the box and showed it to her. "It suits you well." She commented. "It's a magic wand." She added.

I stared at it, admiring that I was holding a magic wand that sometimes I've only seen on movies. It has a white crystal at the end of it, and it somehow looked like an ice wand with the combination of light blue and silver color.

"Grandma, why is my name written on the inside of the box?" I asked her, and she sighed deeply.

"It is because that's yours."

I looked at her, eyes widened while she was nodding at me. "There are reasons why I don't want you to enter my room." I nodded, telling her that I was listening.

"First, I don't want you to know that I'm a witch." It's the main reason, I guess. I understand that she thought I would be scared of her because of the fact that she's a witch.

"Second, I want to be the last witch in our bloodline." I gave her a confused look. "Last witch? In our family? You mean our ancestors were wizards and witches?" She nodded at me.

She took a sip of her milk and spoke again. "And last, I don't want you to be a witch." She said while looking at me. She's kinda scared as she looks at my eyes. I was getting confused.

"Why? I thought being a witch is kind of cool." I said and she just smiled at me. "Maybe yes in fantasies and stories, my dear, but being a real one is, kind of... hard." She sighed.

She pointed at the box. "That wand is supposed to be given to the 9th female born in our bloodline. I am the 8th female born."

"And I'm the 9th female in our bloodline?" I asked her, which of course, she agreed to.

"Then, who wrote my name in the box?" I asked again. She smiled at me this time. She grabbed a cookie and dunked it on her glass of milk.

"That, my dear, is something you won't believe." She said, then she took a bite on the  cookie.

"Why?" I asked, and she smiled bigger than earlier. "The one who wrote your name on the box, is the 1st wizard of our bloodline."

"Ehhh? That's impossible grandma. You know that." She chuckled at me. "I told you, you won't believe it. Even I don't believe it at first. My father also said the same thing. The 1st wizard wrote down my name inside the box of my wand. Every wand that is used by every wizard and witch of our family was from him."

I looked at the wand, still confused. "So, how did he do that? Did he foresee everything about his future family? What will be their name and who will be wizards and witches?" I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders. "That might be possible."

I wonder if he knew what would happen to me after I became a witch. Will I be a good or a bad witch? Will I be able to help other people, or will I bring danger to them?

Also the guardians, if I became a witch, will I ever find them? Or can I even find them?

"Grandma." I looked at her, and she smiled at me. "I want you to train me to be a witch." She nodded at me. "I've been waiting for you to say that, actually."

She stood up and went to her room. When she came back, she was wearing her witch attire and was holding her wand.

"My dear, let's start your journey to become a witch." She said, then she led me outside.

I rushed to her, and saw her standing outside. It was like she was ready to fight. I mimicked her stance and she laughed at me. I observed myself and saw how funny I looked.

"We don't have to rush, my dear. First, let's learn about the basics." She said and waved her wand. I followed where her wand was pointing at, and saw a book floating right to me. I grabbed the book entitled 'Basics of Witchcraft and Wizardry'.

"That book was passed down from the 1st generation of our family. I'm surprised it's still in good shape." I nodded at her and opened it page by page.

"Everything you need to learn is in that book. I want you to read it, and come back to me." I nodded at her and went inside.

I saw the little ones running around the living room. I walked past them and went to my room. I closed the door and put the book down on my bed.

As I was going to hop in my bed, I heard scratches, small pounding and barks outside the door. I hurriedly went and opened it, revealing the little ones outside, smiling at me.

"You guys want to come in?" The moment they heard it, they all rushed inside and settled themselves on my bed. I looked at them and chuckled. 'They're so adorable'.

I went to them, settled myself in their center and placed the book in front of us.

"Okay guys, we're going to have a long night."

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