t w e n t y f i v e

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The morning came, and the little ones were running on top of the bed. I woke up and was greeted by their hugs. I laughed at their sudden burst of energy early this morning. I dressed up and we went out of the room.

At the corridor, I was greeted by Ellie and Lilia who were running towards the stairs. "Girls! Stop running!" I heard a yell and looked towards my right. "Good morning Mrs. Leywin." I greeted the lady whom I saw walking towards me.

"Good morning Yeona. How was your sleep?" She asked me, accompanying me down the stairs. "It was good. The little ones were energetic when I woke up." She smiled and looked down towards them. "They seemed happy."

I nodded at her, agreeing with what she said. We reached the living room where we saw Arthur and Elijah getting ready to leave. The little white fox was looking at Arthur like it was admiring him. With his long auburn brown hair that was tied, he's really handsome.

"Good morning boys. Are you guys ready for your trip?" Mrs. Leywin asked them as we reached their position. Elijah looked at her with beaming eyes while Arthur just smiled at his mother. Then Ellie came from the kitchen with bread in her hands.

"Mom? What trip are you talking about?" She asked, kind of sad as she saw her mother facing her brother. "Big brother? You're leaving again?" Ellie's eyes became watery as she looked at him. Arthur then rushed to Ellie and hugged her. "I'll be back soon, I promise. I just need to do something important." Arthur broke the hug and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Now promise me that you will continue your training with Lilia. And when I come back, I have something for you. Okay?" Ellie nodded as Arthur wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

Arthur then kissed her in the forehead and stood up. Then they proceeded to walk to the kitchen. Elijah followed them and so did we.

As we arrived there, we saw Mr. Leywin and Mr. Helstea eating breakfast. "You guys, let's eat. These two might finish everything on the table." Mrs. Helstea, Lilia's mother said jokingly as she put down a basket full of fruits in the center of the table. We all sat down at the table, and the little ones remained under the table near me.

We all ate as I listened to them talk about stuff. I occasionally laughed with them if ever something I knew came up at their topic. When we finished, Arthur immediately went outside with his little fox. I helped clean the table first before catching up with them. I also gave the little ones their breakfast before the trip.

"Thank you, Yeona. Now, go. You don't want to be left out." Mrs. Helstea said smiling at me. I smiled back at her and put the plates down the sink. I bid my goodbyes to her and went outside, the little ones following behind me.

As soon as I stepped out of the door, a huge shadow greeted us, frightening the little ones. I looked up and a huge black dragon was fiercely looking at me. My eyes widened, almost making me scream. Luckily Elijah was there to cover my mouth.

"I know you're freaked out, but that's Sylvie. Remember Arthur's white fox? That's also her. She just hides her true identity by using shape shifting." He explained to me, slowly removing his hands in my mouth.

"I never knew she had a name. I haven't heard Arthur talk to her since I met them." I whispered to him, and he laughed at me. "They use telepathy whenever they talk to each other. Cool right?" He said, admiring the dragon in front of us. I did the same and hummed in response.

"Hey, how long are you guys going to stare at her?" Arthur yelled as he hopped onto Sylvie's back. We went to him and Elijah hopped onto her back as well. I just stared at them doing that until they settled down. Then they saw me not moving from my position.

"Aren't you coming?" Elijah asked, offering his hand at me. I hesitantly held his hand and hopped on as well. I made the little ones a huge container made of rocks, comfortable enough for them for the trip. It's better be careful than not.

"Wait, so where exactly is this place Zephervale?" I asked as I settled down at Sylvie's back. Arthur smiled as he patted her back. "In the sky." The moment he said that, Sylvie blasted off like a jet. I panicked, so I squinted my eyes. And the moment I opened them, we were flying in the level of the clouds.

"Woaahhh!" I said as I realized that this was real. I made the little one's container transparent so they could see everything. All of their eyes widened in awe as they saw the sky. "Amazing, isn't it?“ I asked them, and they all looked at me, well, they stared at me for a good couple of minutes. I smiled at them and focused again on our surroundings.

"I never ride on Sylvie's back before. This is crazy!" Elijah said as he petted Sylvie and hugged her. I looked at him, confused. "I thought you were busy and doesn't want to come?" I asked him, and he shyly smiled at me. "The moment I heard that you were going to ride Sylvie to Zephervale, I knew I don't want to miss it." He said and then hugged Sylvie, which she responded with a cute, loud roar.

After a few minutes of flying, we saw a floating island from afar. "We're almost there!" Arthur yelled as he pointed to the floating island. "That's Zephervale?" Elijah asked him, and he nodded back as a response.

I stared at the island because not only was it huge, there was also this huge tree in the center of the island. It has huge branches that were stretched out and its leaves were purple. It kind of reminded me about the Eldertree back in the Elven kingdom. Below the tree was the whole city of Zephervale, and the castle where the royals live.

The moment we were above the island, dozens of knights were waiting below us. Then a horseman came with his sword pointing up at us. "Trespassers! Either you'll surrender, or we'll make you."

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