t w e n t y f o u r

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I stayed at the Elven Kingdom longer than I expected. I recovered here and gained back my strength. Grandma and Elijah stayed with me in case I needed some help. King Einar was glad to have visitors again after some time.

After my recovery, we left the Kingdom and the two decided to go back to grandma's house. We bid our goodbyes to King Einar and went on our way.

"Now that you have recovered, where is your next destination?" Grandma asked me, which made me think. "I still don't know yet, but I wanted to go somewhere far." Elijah smiled at me. "If you want, I have a friend that could bring you guys somewhere far, but safe."

"Just don't be in dangerous places. If possible, stay away from those places." Grandma said as she held my hand tightly. "I will grandma. You don't have to worry about me." I told her, squeezing her hand gently. I looked at Elijah.

"Let's go meet this friend of yours." I said, and he smiled and nodded. "Okay, let's head to the town."


After dropping Grandma into the house, we walked our way to the town. "You sure we should walk? It would take us 30 minutes or so." I told him and he laughed.

"It is your first time going to the town, aren't you?" He asked, to which I nodded. He laughed more as he changed direction to the forest. I stopped, hesitant to follow him. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked him, but he just walked away.

I looked at the little ones and sighed. "I guess you'll have to go in the floating carpet." I made a floating platform made of thin rocks, and let them hop in. After everyone settled down, I quickly chased after him and saw him beside a door in a tree trunk, waiting for me.

"Took you long enough." He said and opened the door. It revealed a dark and dirty alley. "C'mon, we don't have all day to waste." He said and pushed us out of the door. He closed it, making it just a normal door. He quickly walked past me into the main road of the town.

"Why do you seem in a hurry?" I asked as I followed behind him, but he didn't look back. "Just hurry up. No questions." He said, making me more curious. We walked past different main buildings until we reached such a huge house.

Elijah walked to the front door and knocked on it. "Coming!" A voice of a little girl shouted from the inside. The door slowly opened, revealing a little girl with light brown hair. "Hello Ellie." Elijah greeted her, and she quickly opened the door. "Elijah!!" She proceeded to hug him.

"Where are your parents?" He asked, and pulled Elijah's hand, guiding him to the kitchen. "Mom! Dad! Look who's here!" The little girl yelled on the way. I followed them and we reached the kitchen.

On the way, I observed the whole house. It was big, as if a big family lived here. The interior showed that they were also wealthy.

My train of thoughts ended when Elijah pulled me to the kitchen. "Everyone, meet Yeona. She is a witch under the same mentor as I had." I looked at everyone who was seated at the dining table having their meal. I quickly bowed my head, not knowing what to say.

"Ohhh dear, what a beautiful girl you are. Come join us, and you can talk about your business later." A lady with an auburn brown hair spoke as she stood up and prepared plates and utensils for the both of us.

I saw Elijah sit down beside a boy with the same auburn brown hair as the lady. He had a cute white fox with yellow eyes on his shoulders, sharing food with him. Across from them, I sat down beside a girl with brown hair and round eyes.

The lady went to my side and gave me a plate full of food. "Here you go." She said then I bowed. "Thank you." I spoke and she gave me a sweet smile. Then she proceeded to Elijah and gave him the same food as mine. "Thank you Mrs. Leywin." He said, smiling at him.

I proceeded to eat quietly, occasionally looking down because of the little ones playing around with the white fox. I smiled as I saw them being cheerful after everything that happened.

"Hello." I heard a whisper beside me, then I saw the girl looking at me. Beside her was the girl named Ellie who was also looking at me. "Hi." I whispered back, smiling a little bit.

"Are they your pets?" Ellie asked me in a soft tone. She was staring at them in admiration. "Uhm, actually they were my and my grandma's companions. Not just pets." I told them, and they smiled. "Can we play with them?" The girl beside me asked, to which I nodded.

Both of them screamed in excitement and went down their chairs. "Just be careful." I reminded them and both of them nodded. "Ellie! Lilia!" A man with brown hair and glasses called on the two. The little girls stopped running and looked at the man. "No running." He said, then the two proceeded to walk to where the little ones were.

After having the meal, Elijah pulled me with the boy beside him up the stairs into one of the rooms. The room revealed a queen-size bed, a simple vanity table and a door that leads to the bathroom. Elijah shut the door behind him and sat down the bed.

"Yeona, I want you to meet my best buddy, Arthur. Arthur this is Yeona." Elijah said and I just smiled at him. He looked at me, more like observing me, and smiled a little bit.

"Arthur, I know you were going to the Zephervale. Can you please bring her with you?" Elijah asked in a cutesy tone that I never heard before. Arthur looked at him in disgust. "First of all, ewww. Second, how'd you know? And third, why?" Arthur spoke in a cold tone. The way he moved and spoke, he seemed mature. Like way more mature than his age.

"It doesn't matter how I know, okay? And also, she's on an adventure and wanted to go far. Zephervale was far from here. So, please. Take it as a request from me." Elijah insisted. Then Arthur sighed in annoyance. "Okay fine. But what would I get from this?" He asked, and Elijah smiled at him. "I'll help you with anything in the future." Elijah held his hand in front, and Arthur gladly took it.

I looked at both of them in confusion. "When are we leaving?" I asked. Then Arthur turned to me as he fixed his Dimensional Ring in his thumb.


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