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I closed the book after reading a lot about the guardians. Clearly, they were not the only guardians in our world. The Forest Guardians were only part of hundreds of the first protector's children. I wondered if they could help us find their siblings.

And I wondered what was more true, this book or the words elder Hakyeon said? I smiled at myself, thinking if the world was playing at me. I really hope this book is more real than what he said.

I looked at the little ones sleeping peacefully above the books we've collected for me to read. They were snuggling at each other to keep themselves warm.

As I put down the book, a loud tap on the floor was heard from a distance and suddenly, dozens of candlelit fire appeared. I stood up and looked for the source of that tap, leaving the little ones again.

As I walked further inside the library, there was a figure in the distance surrounded by light. It was standing up as it held a cane to support his body. He must be an elder human.

I tried to follow it, but the more I walked towards it, the more he went far. Until I reached the walls of the library. This was the only time I realized how big this library was. When I looked around, the figure was nowhere to be found.

I decided to go back to the little ones. But as soon as I stepped backward, I felt like I stepped on a pressure plate as it sunk a little bit, then the whole place started to shake. I hurriedly went back to fetch them before the whole place crumbled.

I approached the table where the little ones were nowhere to be found. I panicked as I looked for them around the area, but unfortunately, they're nowhere to be found.

"Hey, over here." Someone called softly, like they were whispering. I looked around for the source of that voice and saw a door somewhere near the table we were before. I swear it wasn't there earlier.

I looked at the table and saw the books remained there. I quickly put them inside my ring and went over to the person who called me with my wand in my hand.

"Hey, chill. I won't hurt you guys." He said, raising his hands up in the air. I squinted my eyes at him as he smiled at me. "What do you mean 'you guys'? Where are they?" He lowered his hand as his smile remained. "Follow me, I'll show you to them. Quick, before the library collapses on you." He said as he guided me inside the room. He shut the door behind us and opened another door.

I followed him outside the room and it led us to a long corridor. I observed him from behind as he walked. He was tall, had long white hair, long pointy ears, wore a long, white robe and his footwear was kind of different. He was really different from a human. Like, he was an elf.

"You're real, aren't you?" I softly asked him, which he then laughed. "What do you mean? Do I look like a ghost to you?" He laughed again. Such a joyful person he was.

I chuckled a bit along with his laughs and then spoke. "I mean, this is the first time I saw a real elf. No offense, by the way." I said, then he stopped on his tracks to turn to me.

"Nahh, it's fine. Ohh, I totally forgot. I'm Einar." He offered his hand in front of me, and I lightly shook it. "I'm Yeona." He widely smiled at me. "Well then, Ms. Yeona, let's head to your companions." He continued to his tracks and I quickly followed behind him.

We reached the end of the corridor and he opened the door. He made me enter first and I quickly spotted the little ones playing around with each other. They seemed busy to notice me so I called them.

"Guys!" They stopped jumping around and looked at me all at the same time. I knelt down and opened my arms as I saw them run to me. They all hugged me like there was no tomorrow.

I checked on them one by one, and fortunately, nobody was injured. I hugged them all, letting them know that I was glad that no one was hurt. I looked around the room the moment I heard a knock. Einar went to the door and opened it.

Another elf was revealed and quietly talked to him. After a few gestures and nods, Einar closed the door. He looked at me and smiled. "Yeona, let's go. Everyone's waiting for your arrival." I slowly stood up as I looked at him, confused. "Everyone?" I asked him.

He opened the door and smiled. "Yes, everyone." I just stared at him as he went over to me and pulled me outside the room. I felt the little ones behind me on their guards.

After a few turns, we reached a large door with guards standing outside. They both went on the door and each held a door handle. One spoke first before opening both doors. "KING EINAR OF WOOD ELVES, WITH YEONA THE WITCH SAVIOR."

I looked around as we walked down the aisle. This must be an Elven kingdom, ruled by Einar, the elf who saved us. But why did they refer to me as the Witch Savior? Clearly, this was the first time I went here and met everyone. I'm so confused.

When we reached the foot of the throne, Einar— or rather King Einar proceeded to his throne and sat down. Everyone bowed at him, so I did the same. After King Einar gave a signal, everyone stood up and so did he.

"I'm so glad everyone is here to witness the savior of our kingdom. And I'm so glad to meet you upfront, Witch Savior Yeona. Who saved our kingdom 4 decades ago."

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