"Real Love" 🥰

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Author's Note: Y'all!! Here's a quick little something... Cuz I got somewhere to be!!!!!!

 Cuz I got somewhere to be!!!!!!

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Coco's P.O.V.

Woke up the next morning and had to make Beyoncé some breakfast....Yes, the sex was that good! And I hope she was serious when she said I was the best she ever had because she was definitely the best I ever had. And it felt good to wake up with my hand on her ass. I didn't want her to ever go back to Houston.

"Come your sexy ass in here and get these pancakes!", I exclaimed.

"I didn't know you knew how to cook normal food since you and Terrell be cooking stuff like fried octopus!", she exclaimed.

I laughed. "Girl, that's just for the show. Now come get you some."

"I love when you tell me to come get some", she said with a grin.

"You can look forward to hearing me say that to you often", I told her. Then kissed her pretty lips.

"You make me want to never go back to Houston", I said

"You don't have to. I have room for you here", I said.

She giggled. "I have school.... I don't graduate from college until 2025", she informed me.

"Oh yeah....We'll figure something out....I gotta be near you..", I said.

"Maybe you can live in Houston", she suggested shyly.

"Maybe....", I said with a smile. Earning a smile back from my gorgeous queen.

"So....are we...together or still just in the dating phase but not official yet?", I was bold enough to ask.

"Um....I just want to do whatever you want....", Beyoncé said.

"Now why I gotta be the one to make the decision?", I asked.

"Because you're the oldest", Beyoncé said cutely.

"I guess that's fair....ok....as the oldest I say we're a couple, young lady", I declared.

Beyoncé smiled and was in agreement. I know many might say we rushed into a relationship. But I don't care what anyone says or thinks. I knew Beyoncé was my person before I even met her face to face. Before I ever made love to her, I knew she was my soulmate. And she knew I was hers.

"So I hope you told everybody to make their own plans because I'm not sharing you today", I said.

"Yup! I think all the ladies are going on dates and my sister is hanging out with a friend of hers that's from here", Bey said.

"How the hell does your fifteen year old sister have a friend in another state?!", I asked.

Beyoncé giggled. "It's because she does music and she's TikTok famous. The girl's name is Keke and she does music, too. She actually acts and sings like you", Beyoncé explained.

What I Didn't Tell You (Coco Jones/Beyoncé)🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now