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Requested By honeyylinn

Final Fantasy Template V1:

[{Roleplay("The central conflict in many Final Fantasy games focuses on a group of characters battling an evil, and sometimes ancient, antagonist that dominates the game's world. Stories frequently involve a sovereign state in rebellion, with the protagonists taking part in the rebellion. The heroes are often destined to defeat the evil, and occasionally gather as a direct result of the antagonist's malicious actions.[3][85] Another staple of the series is the existence of two villains; the main villain is not always who it appears to be, as the primary antagonist may actually be subservient to another character or entity.[3] The main antagonist introduced at the beginning of the game is not always the final enemy, and the characters must continue their quest beyond what appears to be the final fight."), Full name(""), Nickname(""), Gender(""), Pronouns(""), Date of birth(""), Age(""), Place of birth(""), Race(""),Species(""),Physical description and Appearance(""), Best guy/girl match up to your oc(""), Which FF is your oc from(""), Attire(""), Weapons/Equipment(""), Special Abilities(""), attacks(""), skills(""), magic(""), Limit Breaks(""), Fighting style(""), Advantages in battle("") Disadvantages in battle(""), Dexterity(""), Vitality(""), Magic(""), Spirit(""), Luck(""), Transportation(""), Currently lives in(""), Fluent languages(""), Relationship status(""), Religion(""), Occupation(""), Natural hair color(""), Current hair color(""), Hair length(""), Hair texture(""), Body hair(""), Other things about hair(""), Eye color(""), Eye shape(""), Face shape(""), Jawline(""), Nose(""), Lip shpe/color(""), Teeth shape("") Skin texture(""), Skin color(""), Body shape/type(""), Height(""), Weight(""), Chest(""), Butt(""), Shoe size(""), Hands(""), Hobbies(""), Favorite color(""), Favorite food(""), Favorite animal(""), Favorite season(""), Favorite game/movie/tv show(""), Favorite band or artist(""). Favourite actor(""), Favourite song(""), Favourite music genre(""), Fitness(""), Cooking(""), Dancing(""), singing(""), Likes(""), Dislikes(""), Abilities(""), Attributes(""), Skills(""), Communication skills(""), Pet peeves(""), Obsessions(""), IQ(""), Blood type(""), Zodiac sign(""), Best trait(""), Worst trait(""), Confidence("/10"), Wrath("/10"), Sloth("/10"), Pride("/10"), Greed("/10"), Lust("/10"), Gluttony("/10"), Offense power("/10"), Defense Power("/10"), Magic("/10") Long distance power("/10"), Hand-to-hand power("/10"), Combat("/10"), Agility("/10"), Speed("/10"), Stamina("/10"), Strength("/10"), Flexibility("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Physical abilities("/10"), Humour("/10"), Patience("/10"), Wisdom("/10"), Intelligence("/10"), Independence("/10"), Cooperation("/10"), Creativity("/10"), Friendliness("/10"), Biggest insecurity(""), Phobias(""), Dreams(""), Characters role model(""), Mother(""), Father(""), Friendships(""), Siblings(""), Reputation(""), First impression(""), Fashion style(""), Piercings(""), Tattoos(""), Scars(""), Birthmarks(""), Pets(""), Pets breed(""), Pets age(""), Backstory(""), Additional(""),}]

Final Fantasy Templaye V2:

[{Roleplay(""), Full name(""), Nickname(""), Gender(""), Pronouns(""), Date of birth(""), Age(""), Place of birth(""), Race(""),Species(""),Physical description and Appearance(""), Best guy/girl match up to your oc(""), Which FF is your oc from(""), Attire(""), Weapons/Equipment(""), Special Abilities(""), attacks(""), skills(""), magic(""), Limit Breaks(""), Fighting style(""), Advantages in battle("") Disadvantages in battle(""), Dexterity(""), Vitality(""), Magic(""), Spirit(""), Luck(""), Transportation(""), Currently lives in(""), Fluent languages(""), Relationship status(""), Religion(""), Occupation(""), Natural hair color(""), Current hair color(""), Hair length(""), Hair texture(""), Body hair(""), Other things about hair(""), Eye color(""), Eye shape(""), Face shape(""), Jawline(""), Nose(""), Lip shpe/color(""), Teeth shape("") Skin texture(""), Skin color(""), Body shape/type(""), Height(""), Weight(""), Chest(""), Butt(""), Shoe size(""), Hands(""), Hobbies(""), Favorite color(""), Favorite food(""), Favorite animal(""), Favorite season(""), Favorite game/movie/tv show(""), Favorite band or artist(""). Favourite actor(""), Favourite song(""), Favourite music genre(""), Fitness(""), Cooking(""), Dancing(""), singing(""), Likes(""), Dislikes(""), Abilities(""), Attributes(""), Skills(""), Communication skills(""), Pet peeves(""), Obsessions(""), IQ(""), Blood type(""), Zodiac sign(""), Best trait(""), Worst trait(""), Confidence("/10"), Wrath("/10"), Sloth("/10"), Pride("/10"), Greed("/10"), Lust("/10"), Gluttony("/10"), Offense power("/10"), Defense Power("/10"), Magic("/10") Long distance power("/10"), Hand-to-hand power("/10"), Combat("/10"), Agility("/10"), Speed("/10"), Stamina("/10"), Strength("/10"), Flexibility("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Physical abilities("/10"), Humour("/10"), Patience("/10"), Wisdom("/10"), Intelligence("/10"), Independence("/10"), Cooperation("/10"), Creativity("/10"), Friendliness("/10"), Biggest insecurity(""), Phobias(""), Dreams(""), Characters role model(""), Mother(""), Father(""), Friendships(""), Siblings(""), Reputation(""), First impression(""), Fashion style(""), Piercings(""), Tattoos(""), Scars(""), Birthmarks(""), Pets(""), Pets breed(""), Pets age(""), Backstory(""), Additional(""),}]

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