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[{Roleplay(""), Full name(""), Nickname(""), Gender(""), Pronouns(""), Date of birth(""), Age(""), Place of birth(""), Race(""),Species(""), Currently lives in(""), Fluent languages(""), Relationship status(""), Religion(""), Occupation(""), Natural hair color(""), Current hair color(""), Hair length(""), Hair texture(""), Body hair(""), Other things about hair(""), Eye color(""), Eye shape(""), Face shape(""), Jawline(""), Nose(""), Lip shpe/color(""), Teeth shape("") Skin texture(""), Skin color(""), label(""), why did they audition?(""), strategy to win(""), team(""), alliances(""), elimination(""), shape/type(""), Height(""), Weight(""), Chest(""), Butt(""), Shoe size(""), Hands(""), Hobbies(""), Favorite color(""), Favorite food(""), Favorite animal(""), Favorite season(""), Favorite game/movie/tv show(""), Favorite band or artist(""). Favourite actor(""), Favourite song(""), Favourite music genre(""), Fitness(""), Cooking(""), Dancing(""), singing(""), Likes(""), Dislikes(""), Abilities(""), Attributes(""), Skills(""), Communication skills(""), Pet peeves(""), Obsessions(""), IQ(""), Blood type(""), Zodiac sign(""), Best trait(""), Worst trait(""), Confidence("/10"), Wrath("/10"), Sloth("/10"), Pride("/10"), Greed("/10"), Lust("/10"), Gluttony("/10"), Offense power("/10"), Defense Power("/10"), Magic("/10") Long distance power("/10"), Hand-to-hand power("/10"), Combat("/10"), Agility("/10"), Speed("/10"), Stamina("/10"), Strength("/10"), Flexibility("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Physical abilities("/10"), Humour("/10"), Patience("/10"), Wisdom("/10"), Intelligence("/10"), Independence("/10"), Cooperation("/10"), Creativity("/10"), Friendliness("/10"), Biggest insecurity(""), Phobias(""), Dreams(""), Characters role model(""), Mother(""), Father(""), Friendships(""), Siblings(""), Reputation(""), First impression(""), Fashion style(""), Piercings(""), Tattoos(""), Scars(""), Birthmarks(""), Pets(""), Pets breed(""), Pets age(""), Backstory(""), Additional(""),}]


[{Roleplay("Total Drama Island is set in the fictional titular reality show, which follows the competition of 22 unsuspecting and unwitting teenagers at Camp Wawanakwa, the most rundown, insect-infested, disgusting island in an unspecified area in Muskoka, Ontario. The campers participate in competitions and challenges that get more insane and dangerous each week to avoid being voted off the island by their fellow campers and teammates. At the end of the series, the winning contestant will receive C$100,000 (US$73,129.00). The competition is hosted by Chris McLean, assisted by the camp's chef, Chef Hatchet, who is also Chris's best friend despite being mistreated at times. Egotistical and immoral, unless something affects him legally, Chris places the show's contestants in various life-threatening challenges."), Full name(""), Nickname(""), Gender(""), Pronouns(""), Date of birth(""), Age(""), Place of birth(""), Race(""),Species(""), Currently lives in(""), Fluent languages(""), Relationship status(""), Religion(""), Occupation(""), Natural hair color(""), Current hair color(""), Hair length(""), Hair texture(""), Body hair(""), Other things about hair(""), Eye color(""), Eye shape(""), Face shape(""), Jawline(""), Nose(""), Lip shpe/color(""), Teeth shape("") Skin texture(""), Skin color(""), label(""), why did they audition?(""), strategy to win(""), team(""), alliances(""), elimination(""), shape/type(""), Height(""), Weight(""), Chest(""), Butt(""), Shoe size(""), Hands(""), Hobbies(""), Favorite color(""), Favorite food(""), Favorite animal(""), Favorite season(""), Favorite game/movie/tv show(""), Favorite band or artist(""). Favourite actor(""), Favourite song(""), Favourite music genre(""), Fitness(""), Cooking(""), Dancing(""), singing(""), Likes(""), Dislikes(""), Abilities(""), Attributes(""), Skills(""), Communication skills(""), Pet peeves(""), Obsessions(""), IQ(""), Blood type(""), Zodiac sign(""), Best trait(""), Worst trait(""), Confidence("/10"), Wrath("/10"), Sloth("/10"), Pride("/10"), Greed("/10"), Lust("/10"), Gluttony("/10"), Offense power("/10"), Defense Power("/10"), Magic("/10") Long distance power("/10"), Hand-to-hand power("/10"), Combat("/10"), Agility("/10"), Speed("/10"), Stamina("/10"), Strength("/10"), Flexibility("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Physical abilities("/10"), Humour("/10"), Patience("/10"), Wisdom("/10"), Intelligence("/10"), Independence("/10"), Cooperation("/10"), Creativity("/10"), Friendliness("/10"), Biggest insecurity(""), Phobias(""), Dreams(""), Characters role model(""), Mother(""), Father(""), Friendships(""), Siblings(""), Reputation(""), First impression(""), Fashion style(""), Piercings(""), Tattoos(""), Scars(""), Birthmarks(""), Pets(""), Pets breed(""), Pets age(""), Backstory(""), Additional(""),}]

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