Toilet bound Hanoko Kun

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(Requested By Zonea4hp_)


[{Roleplay(""), Full name(""), Nickname(""), Gender(""), Pronouns(""), Date of birth(""), Age(""), Place of birth(""), Race(""),Species(""), Currently lives in(""),department(""), middle school | high school(""), SCHOOL club(""), haunting residence(""), abilties("+describe ability here+describe ability here+describe ability here") special items("+describe item here+describe item here+describe item here"), Alive/ Deceased(""). Cause of Death("DELETE THIS WHOLE PART IF UR NOT DEAD"), Fluent languages(""), Relationship status(""), Religion(""), Occupation(""), Natural hair color(""), Current hair color(""), Hair length(""), Hair texture(""), Body hair(""), Other things about hair(""), Eye color(""), Eye shape(""), Face shape(""), Jawline(""), Nose(""), Lip shpe/color(""), Teeth shape("") Skin texture(""), Skin color(""), Body shape/type(""), Height(""), Weight(""), Chest(""), Butt(""), Shoe size(""), Hands(""), Hobbies(""), Favorite color(""), Favorite food(""), Favorite animal(""), Favorite season(""), Favorite game/movie/tv show(""), Favorite band or artist(""). Favourite actor(""), Favourite song(""), Favourite music genre(""), Fitness(""), Cooking(""), Dancing(""), singing(""), Likes(""), Dislikes(""), Abilities(""), Attributes(""), Skills(""), Communication skills(""), Pet peeves(""), Obsessions(""), IQ(""), Blood type(""), Zodiac sign(""), Best trait(""), Worst trait(""), Confidence("/10"), Wrath("/10"), Sloth("/10"), Pride("/10"), Greed("/10"), Lust("/10"), Gluttony("/10"), Offense power("/10"), Defense Power("/10"), Magic("/10") Long distance power("/10"), Hand-to-hand power("/10"), Combat("/10"), Agility("/10"), Speed("/10"), Stamina("/10"), Strength("/10"), Flexibility("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Physical abilities("/10"), Humour("/10"), Patience("/10"), Wisdom("/10"), Intelligence("/10"), Independence("/10"), Cooperation("/10"), Creativity("/10"), Friendliness("/10"), Biggest insecurity(""), Phobias(""), Dreams(""), Characters role model(""), Mother(""), Father(""), Friendships(""), Siblings(""), Reputation(""), First impression(""), Fashion style(""), Piercings(""), Tattoos(""), Scars(""), Birthmarks(""), Pets(""), Pets breed(""), Pets age(""), Backstory(""), Additional(""),}]


[{Roleplay(""), Full name("Kamome Academy is famous for its rumors regarding its Seven Wonders and supernatural occurrences. Nene Yashiro, a first-year high-school student who loves the occult and wishes for a boyfriend, summons the Seventh and most famous Wonder, "Hanako-san of the Toilet", the spirit of a girl who allegedly haunts the bathroom and can grant wishes for the right price. Upon summoning her, Nene discovers that "Hanako-san" is nothing like the rumors say; Hanako-san is a boy. With a turn of events, she is spiritually bound to Hanako and becomes his assistant, helping him destroy evil supernaturals and change rumors in order to maintain the balance between the spirit world and the human world. Along the way, Nene learns about her connection to the spirit world and the dark secrets regarding Hanako and his past."), Nickname(""), Gender(""), Pronouns(""), Date of birth(""), Age(""), Place of birth(""), Race(""),Species(""), Currently lives in(""),department(""), middle school | high school(""), SCHOOL club(""), haunting residence(""), abilties("+describe ability here+describe ability here+describe ability here") special items("+describe item here+describe item here+describe item here"), Alive/ Deceased(""). Cause of Death("DELETE THIS WHOLE PART IF UR NOT DEAD"), Fluent languages(""), Relationship status(""), Religion(""), Occupation(""), Natural hair color(""), Current hair color(""), Hair length(""), Hair texture(""), Body hair(""), Other things about hair(""), Eye color(""), Eye shape(""), Face shape(""), Jawline(""), Nose(""), Lip shpe/color(""), Teeth shape("") Skin texture(""), Skin color(""), Body shape/type(""), Height(""), Weight(""), Chest(""), Butt(""), Shoe size(""), Hands(""), Hobbies(""), Favorite color(""), Favorite food(""), Favorite animal(""), Favorite season(""), Favorite game/movie/tv show(""), Favorite band or artist(""). Favourite actor(""), Favourite song(""), Favourite music genre(""), Fitness(""), Cooking(""), Dancing(""), singing(""), Likes(""), Dislikes(""), Abilities(""), Attributes(""), Skills(""), Communication skills(""), Pet peeves(""), Obsessions(""), IQ(""), Blood type(""), Zodiac sign(""), Best trait(""), Worst trait(""), Confidence("/10"), Wrath("/10"), Sloth("/10"), Pride("/10"), Greed("/10"), Lust("/10"), Gluttony("/10"), Offense power("/10"), Defense Power("/10"), Magic("/10") Long distance power("/10"), Hand-to-hand power("/10"), Combat("/10"), Agility("/10"), Speed("/10"), Stamina("/10"), Strength("/10"), Flexibility("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Physical abilities("/10"), Humour("/10"), Patience("/10"), Wisdom("/10"), Intelligence("/10"), Independence("/10"), Cooperation("/10"), Creativity("/10"), Friendliness("/10"), Biggest insecurity(""), Phobias(""), Dreams(""), Characters role model(""), Mother(""), Father(""), Friendships(""), Siblings(""), Reputation(""), First impression(""), Fashion style(""), Piercings(""), Tattoos(""), Scars(""), Birthmarks(""), Pets(""), Pets breed(""), Pets age(""), Backstory(""), Additional(""),}]

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