Black Clover

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Black Clover V1:

[{Roleplay(""), Full name(""), Nickname(""), Gender(""), Pronouns(""), Date of birth(""), Age(""), Place of birth(""), Race(""), Species(""),  Currently lives in(""), Birth Village(""), Current Village(""), Birth KingdoM(""), Current Kingdom(""), Backstory(""), Magic Knights Squad(""), Squad Rank(""), Magic Type(""), Magic Explanation(""), Grimoire(""), Magic Abilities|Attacks(""), Mage rank(""),Fluent languages(""), Relationship status(""), Religion(""), Occupation(""), Natural hair color(""), Current hair color(""), Hair length(""), Hair texture(""), Body hair(""), Other things about hair(""), Eye color(""), Eye shape(""), Face shape(""), Jawline(""), Nose(""), Lip shpe/color(""), Teeth shape("") Skin texture(""), Skin color(""), Body shape/type(""), Height(""), Weight(""), Chest(""), Butt(""), Shoe size(""), Hands(""), Hobbies(""), Favorite color(""), Favorite food(""), Favorite animal(""), Favorite season(""), Favorite game/movie/tv show(""), Favorite band or artist(""). Favourite actor(""), Favourite song(""), Favourite music genre(""), Fitness(""), Cooking(""), Dancing(""), singing(""), Likes(""), Dislikes(""), Abilities(""), Attributes(""), Skills(""), Communication skills(""), Pet peeves(""), Obsessions(""), IQ(""), Blood type(""), Zodiac sign(""), Best trait(""), Worst trait(""), Confidence("/10"), Wrath("/10"), Sloth("/10"), Pride("/10"), Greed("/10"), Lust("/10"), Gluttony("/10"), Offense power("/10"), Defense Power("/10"), Magic("/10") Long distance power("/10"), Hand-to-hand power("/10"), Combat("/10"), Agility("/10"), Speed("/10"), Stamina("/10"), Strength("/10"), Flexibility("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Physical abilities("/10"), Humour("/10"), Patience("/10"), Wisdom("/10"), Intelligence("/10"), Independence("/10"), Cooperation("/10"), Creativity("/10"), Friendliness("/10"), Biggest insecurity(""), Phobias(""), Dreams(""), Characters role model(""), Mother(""), Father(""), Friendships(""), Siblings(""), Reputation(""), First impression(""), Fashion style(""), Piercings(""), Tattoos(""), Scars(""), Birthmarks(""), Pets(""), Pets breed(""), Pets age(""), Backstory(""), Additional(""),}]

Black Clover V2:

[{Roleplay("The series focuses on , a young orphan who is left to be raised in an orphanage alongside his fellow orphan, Yuno. While everyone is born with the ability to utilize mana in the form of magical power, Asta, with no magic instead focuses on physical strength. Conversely, Yuno was born as a prodigy with immense magical power and the talent to control wind magic.Motivated by a desire to become the next Wizard King, an authority figure second to the king of Clover Kingdom, the two youths developed a friendly rivalry. Yuno obtains a legendary four-leaf grimoire held by the kingdom's first Wizard King. The four-leaf grimoire is a rare grimoire, only given to the most immense mages. Asta, despite his lack of magic, obtained an enigmatic five-leaf grimoire that contains mysterious elf swords and a bodiless member of the Devil race who utilizes rare anti-magic. Afterward, he and Yuno each join a Magic Knight squad as the first step to fulfill their ambitions.Asta joins the Black Bulls under alongside , while Yuno becomes a member of the Golden Dawn. They embark on various adventures while contending with an extremist group called the Eye of the Midnight Sun, whose leadership is manipulated by a Devil in avenging an injustice committed against the Elves by the Clover Kingdom at the time of its founding. The Magic Knights then face the Dark Triad of the Spade Kingdom, with Asta and Yuno learning of their Devils' influence on their lives and of the Dark Triad's plan to fully manifest the Devils into their world. Then the Magic Knights face the Dark Triad's eldest sibling, Lucius Zogratis, who wants to create his own perfect world."), Full name(""), Nickname(""), Gender(""), Pronouns(""), Date of birth(""), Age(""), Place of birth(""), Race(""), Species(""), Currently lives in(""), Birth Village(""), Current Village(""), Birth KingdoM(""), Current Kingdom(""), Backstory(""), Magic Knights Squad(""), Squad Rank(""), Magic Type(""), Magic Explanation(""), Grimoire(""), Magic Abilities|Attacks(""), Mage rank(""),Fluent languages(""), Relationship status(""), Religion(""), Occupation(""), Natural hair color(""), Current hair color(""), Hair length(""), Hair texture(""), Body hair(""), Other things about hair(""), Eye color(""), Eye shape(""), Face shape(""), Jawline(""), Nose(""), Lip shpe/color(""), Teeth shape("") Skin texture(""), Skin color(""), Body shape/type(""), Height(""), Weight(""), Chest(""), Butt(""), Shoe size(""), Hands(""), Hobbies(""), Favorite color(""), Favorite food(""), Favorite animal(""), Favorite season(""), Favorite game/movie/tv show(""), Favorite band or artist(""). Favourite actor(""), Favourite song(""), Favourite music genre(""), Fitness(""), Cooking(""), Dancing(""), singing(""), Likes(""), Dislikes(""), Abilities(""), Attributes(""), Skills(""), Communication skills(""), Pet peeves(""), Obsessions(""), IQ(""), Blood type(""), Zodiac sign(""), Best trait(""), Worst trait(""), Confidence("/10"), Wrath("/10"), Sloth("/10"), Pride("/10"), Greed("/10"), Lust("/10"), Gluttony("/10"), Offense power("/10"), Defense Power("/10"), Magic("/10") Long distance power("/10"), Hand-to-hand power("/10"), Combat("/10"), Agility("/10"), Speed("/10"), Stamina("/10"), Strength("/10"), Flexibility("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Reflexes("/10"), Physical abilities("/10"), Humour("/10"), Patience("/10"), Wisdom("/10"), Intelligence("/10"), Independence("/10"), Cooperation("/10"), Creativity("/10"), Friendliness("/10"), Biggest insecurity(""), Phobias(""), Dreams(""), Characters role model(""), Mother(""), Father(""), Friendships(""), Siblings(""), Reputation(""), First impression(""), Fashion style(""), Piercings(""), Tattoos(""), Scars(""), Birthmarks(""), Pets(""), Pets breed(""), Pets age(""), Backstory(""), Additional(""),}]

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