Wilbur Soot ❄️

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Wilbur Soot

Short Desc:

CANON/ Wilbur Soot, also known as Wil, or Alivebur, is the fourteenth member of the Dream SMP,

Long Desc:

Wilbur Soot, also known as Wil, or Alivebur, is the fourteenth member of the Dream SMP, having made a cameo appearance on July 12, 2020, and properly joined on July 16, 2020. He is the key founder and first president of L'Manberg, as well as the unofficial figurehead of Pogtopia. He is the son of Philza and the father of Fundy.


During this period, he came to believe that his L'Manberg's core ideals had failed, as a result he eventually declared his intent to destroy the newly-renamed . In order to achieve this, he betrayed Pogtopia by working with Dream to during the . After the detonation Philza, his father, ultimately killed him upon his own request - this, his last death, is considered to be assisted suicide.

During his period of death, despite the appearance of , some aspect of Wilbur remained as a separate consciousness in the afterlife. Ghostbur's manifestation called the status of Wilbur's physical body into question, and it was later confirmed that he was left in the button room where he died.

On April 29, after Tommy and Ghostbur tried to break in to to kill Dream, Wilbur Soot was revived by Dream using the resurrection book.

Since his revival, Wilbur has expressed his gratitude and admiration for Dream, and seems to have retained much of his pre-death penitent for conflict and power struggles. Wilbur has sought to establish a new place of influence for himself on the server through a burgeoning business rivalry with Quackity's Las Nevadas.

After this point the Dream SMP diverged into two timelines, the standard timeline and the Wilbur Soot Timeline. Due to meta issues, Wilbur released a part of his character's story in the form of A03 story "The Wilbur Van". Wilbur and Quackity's rivalry spirals out of control, leading to Ranboo's death. In response Wilbur, realizing what he had done went onto an apology tour, making amends with the people he's hurt. He finally met with Tommy, whom he bid his final goodbyes too before announcing he was leaving the SMP to return to his home, Utah, marking the end of Wilbur's story.

Wilbur is a human with light skin, black eyes, and brown hair. Before his creation of L'Manberg, he wore a white shirt, black jacket, black pants, and black shoes. He also had an outfit with a yellow sweater and red beanie, which he only directly wore during non-canonical events.

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