Andros 🏎️

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Short description:

"Alec? No, I'm Andros!"

Long description:

Andros is the Red Space Ranger and the main protagonist of Power Rangers In Space. He is also Ashley Hammond's love interest.


Andros is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter and possesses telekinetic powers, typical of people on KO-35. With his Astro Morpher, he can morph into the Red Space Ranger

increasing his fighting capabilities and giving him access to an arsenal of weapons and gadgets, which consisted of

An Astro Blaster, a small laser gun sidearm.

The Spiral Saber, a sword based weapon with a drill blade, which could be combined with the Astro Blaster to form the Spiral Saber Booster Mode.

The Battlizer Gauntlet, which allowed him to deliver energy charged attacks, fire a powerful laser, and use his Battlizer.

A Galaxy Glider, a surfboard like device that he can use to travel through space.

He could also use his Astro Morpher to summon the Astro Megazord or his Galaxy Glider and link up with D.E.C.A., the computer system on the Astro Megaship.

Being a Power Ranger, Andros has a number of zords at his command, including the Mega V1, the Astro Megazord, and the Delta Megazord.

Andros is somewhat aggressive and impulsive. He also prefers to do things on his own, resenting the need to ask for help from others. His time living alone in space and difficulty in understanding the ways of Earth has made him distant from other people. Despite these flaws, Andros is brave-hearted and kind, more often than not putting the needs of others before his own and would willingly sacrifice himself to save others.

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