Chapter 2

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Word count:1086

Nice Dudley AU

Sirius never dies AU

Free Sirius AU (never went to Azkaban)


~Harry P.O.V.~

I start to cook breakfast, when my stomach rumbles. I've gotten used to not eating, but that doesn't mean I don't get hungry anymore. Sometimes Dudley will sneak me a piece of bacon, but I don't know why. I think he just wants to be nice.

"Hurry up you rat," Vernon says. "I don't want to wait any longer!"

I soon finish cooking the food, and start to make my uncle his coffee...


Tonight is the night, I think, tonight is the night I go downstairs to steal food. I crack open the door to my room, and I'm not going to lie, I'm terrified. I've never done this before, but I have to do it tonight, while the Dursley's are asleep. I haven't eaten all week, and I'm starting to feel drowsy all the time. Dudley hasn't been able to sneak me any food because Uncle Vernon has been breathing down my neck constantly. Apparently, he found a whole patch of the flowerbed trampled over, and he thinks it's all my fault. Then again, everything's always my fault.

I tiptoe down the stairs, and avoid the very bottom one, because it creaks. When I get into the kitchen, I see a letter laying forgotten on the counter. As I walk closer, I see that it's addressed to me. I pick it up and inspect it closely. A letter for me? Who would be writing to me? Then, when I turn it over to the front to open it, I almost drop the letter.

It's from my parents-

"What-? How come I never got this letter?"

I pick up the letter, my hunger completely forgotten. I run up to my room, careful not to make any noise. When I get back to my room, I sit on my tiny bed, and open the letter with trembling fingers. I take out the piece of paper, and I start to read:


If you are reading this right now, it means that You-Know-Who has found us. We hoped that you would never have to read this letter, but we wanted to make sure that if the day ever came, you would get this letter, because we have some very important things to tell you.

Firstly, we want you to know how much we love you, and how proud of you we are.

We would also like for you to know that in case anything ever happened to us, we have left you enough money to last you at least 10 years, in your vault at Gringott's.

We have left you in full custody of your Godfather, Sirius Black, he should be the one to care for you if we are not able to.

As we are writing this, You-Know-Who is gaining on us, so we have to leave it here for now. We have left a note for Dumbledore and one for Sirius also in this envelope, so we ask if  you would please give them their respective notes.

With that said, always remember that we are so proud of you, and we love you,

James & Lily Potter

Wait, what?!

I'm supposed to be living with Sirius?!

How come I never knew this?

I need to write to him now!

I walk over to my desk and pull out a piece of parchment and a quill and start to write:


I just found out that the Dursley's have been hiding a letter that my parents wrote from me! I was going downstairs to get some food because I haven't eaten all week, when I saw the letter lying on the counter, so I looked closer, and I saw it was supposed to be for me! Can we arrange a meeting spot? I think it would be better for you to read the letter yourself...


I finish writing my letter and go downstairs to get Hedwig from my old cupboard. I use a paperclip I found on the floor yesterday to pick the lock and grab Hedwigs cage off of my trunk.

I bring Hedwig back to my room and set her on my nightstand. I struggle to open the cage door, because my hands are shaking so bad, and when I finally do, she flies out of her cage and perches on my shoulder. 

"I have a letter for Sirius that I need you to deliver for me, Hedwig."

She hoots in understanding.

I freeze as I hear footsteps coming from outside my door. Then I relax as I hear Dudley tell me that it's just him. I go to open my door, and Dudley steps in, holding an apple.

"I thought you might be hungry, because I haven't been able to sneak you anything all week, so I brought you an apple," Dudley says.

I thank him and turn to open my window when he asks:

"Who are you sending a letter to?"


"Your Godfather?"

I nod and open my window to let Hedwig out, then turn and grab the apple Dudley was holding. As I take a bite, Dudley turns around to leave. After he leaves, I lay down on my bed and make an attempt to sleep, knowing it's hopeless to try.


~Sirius P.O.V.~

While I'm pacing around my room in the Leaky Cauldron, thinking about what to do because I'm bored, I hear a tapping on my window. I turn to see Hedwig, Harry's pet owl. I open the window, letting her into my room, where she perches on a chair. I notice the letter tied to her leg, and untie it so I can read it. As I read it, my eyes widen.


I just found out that the Dursley's have been hiding a letter that my parents wrote from me! I was going downstairs to get some food because I haven't eaten all week, when I saw the letter lying on the counter, so I looked closer, and I saw it was supposed to be for me! Can we arrange a meeting spot? I think it would be better for you to read the letter yourself...


I rush over to my desk, and start to write a response.



Hello again readers! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter! Same thing as last time, constructive criticism only, but if you have any comments that are mean, please do not leave them here. Feel free to share your opinion or any comments or questions you may have, and I will try to answer! This was written in under 2 hours, so sorry if it's bad- 😅

Have a great day,


(I might include a ship, if you have a ship request, please leave it in the comments👍)

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