Chapter 25

285 9 12

Word count:860



Angry Harry (😏)


~Draco P.O.V.~

Today has been a bad day, or, well, not one of my best. So far, potions went absolutely terrible, as Neville almost blew up the classroom, which I guess isn't that surprising. Then, I somehow managed to lose my Herbology textbook, but that turned out okay because Harry shared his with me. I guess today hasn't really been that bad...

Anyways, I was looking forward to this afternoon because I'm taking Harry on a date; he just doesn't know it yet. I've been planning this for weeks now.

"Draco, wait up! My legs aren't long enough to keep up with you!"

I turn around to see Harry walking towards me; he really is short. The closer he gets, the easier it is to notice the big cut on his cheek, which I know was not there earlier.

"What happened to your cheek?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Oh, it's nothing! I'll be fine."

"Did you at least go see Madam Pomfery?"

"Yes," he says, chewing on his bottom lip.

"You're chewing on your lip again, which means you're lying. Stop trying to lie to me, it doesn't work. I know you too well."

"W-What do you mean? Why would I lie about this?"

"C'mon, we're going to the infirmary," I say, grabbing his arm and beginning to drag him to the Hospital Wing.

My goodness, they might as well have a bed especially for Harry with how much he gets hurt. 


As we walk, he drags his feet on the floor, reluctantly allowing me to lead him to the big brown doors of the infirmary. I open the door and poke my head inside, checking for any sign of Madam Pomfery. She must have heard us coming, because she quickly makes her way to the doors.

"Mr. Malfoy? You don't seem to be hurt at all."

"It's not me, it's this idiot who refuses to let anyone help him," I say, pulling Harry in front of me.

"What's happened now? I swear, you are like an injury magnet, Mr. Potter!"

Harry doesn't answer her, but instead just stands there and stares at her in silence.

"He cut his cheek and he won't tell me how."

"Hmmmmm. Come, come, sit down on the bed Mr. Potter."

She eventually heals the cut and scolds Harry about not having come to her. It turns out that, somehow, he managed to get hit by a spell, and it cut his cheek open. After we leave, Harry and I walk to the lake together holding hands, where we had planned to stay for a little while before he went back to the hut and I went back to the Slytherin dorms.

"What spell did you even get hit by?"

"I'm not exactly sure..."

"Whatever, at least Madam Pomfery was able to heal your cut."

"I guess."

"If you keep doing this, I swear I going to start taking you the infirmary every day to make sure you're okay."

"What do you mean by 'this'?"

"Trying to lie about your injuries and trying to hide them from me!"

"I would've been fine! I know how to do a couple healing spells myself, if you didn't know!"

"Where did you learn healing spells? They don't teach that in any of our class-"

"I taught myself."

"So you taught yourself healing spells? Why? I doubt you just randomly decided to learn them one day, you're not that kind of person."

"Just forget I said anything."

"No, I'm serious. Why did you teach yourself healing spells?"


"Which are?"

"None of your business Draco! Trust me, you don't want to know!" 

"Ok, now I'm concerned. Why did you teach yourself healing spells? Tell me the truth."

"Later, okay?"

"No, tell me now."

At this, he tugs his hand out of mine angrily and slaps my face.


I gingerly touch my cheek and stare at him, shocked by his sudden outburst. 

"I'm leaving. Goodbye, Malfoy."

"Wait, Harry! Come back, I'm sorry for pushing!"

"No you're not. If you really were sorry, you wouldn't have done it in the first place."

"I'm sorry, okay? Just come back!"

He ignores me and walks away. I run after him and grab his arms, turning him around.

"Harry, listen to me! I'm sorry, okay?"

"Sure you are," he says, scowling.

"Listen to me!"

"No, you didn't listen to me when I asked you to, so why should I listen to you?"

"If you're not going to shut your mouth and listen to me willingly, I'll make you."

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Fine, you asked for this."

At that, I kiss him and feel his body tense up in surprise. Eventually, he relaxes, and I break the kiss.

"Are you going to be quiet and listen to me now?"

"Fine, but only if you give me another kiss."

"I will once you accept my apology."

"Fine, I accept your apology! There, happy?"


Keeping my promise, I give him another quick kiss on the lips.

"Are you still angry at me?"

"A little."



I did it! I wrote another chapter! Thank you guys so much for 3.8k reads!

I love reading y'all comments, even though I rarely get any anymore-

Anywho, just remember that you are always welcome on my profile!


The author <3

Question of the day: What is your favorite sassy Harry Potter quote?

I can't choose one, there are a lot of good ones in the series.

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