Chapter 4

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Word count:607

Sirius never dies AU 

Free Sirius AU 

TW: Panic attack (marked with 🚫)

Let's go!


~Sirius P.O.V.~

As I'm sitting at my desk, thinking about Harry and hoping he's okay, I glance at my watch. 12:45. I need to get going. As I near Ollivander's, I let my mind wander, when it eventually lands on Moony. I haven't seen him in a while. I know! I should bring Harry with me when I go visit him again! I feel my mind wander back to the present, and I spot Harry waiting for me. As I walk over to him, he waves at me.

"Hi Sirius! How have you been lately?"

"Good," I reply. "How about you?" 

"Good," he says.

So he's going to lie to me. That makes this a lot harder than I thought, but that's just how Harry is. He doesn't want others worried about him.


~Harry P.O.V.~

"Good," I say.

I'm lying. I'm anything but good. Sirius wouldn't care though. He would hate me for being weak and vulnerable. I just know it. Ron and Hermione wouldn't care either, they would hate me just like Sirius. 

"-rry, Harry, HARRY!"

I feel Sirius shaking me by my shoulders, I must have zoned out. It happens a lot.



"You zoned out on me."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I-I-I didn't mean to!"

I can hear my breathing speed up. My heart is beating quickly too. I hold up my hands to cover my face. I know what's coming. He's going to hit me. I know it.

"Calm down Harry! It's okay! I'm not mad!"

Sirius' voice sounds far away, like I have on noise canceling headphones. I feel myself fall to the floor.

"Harry! HARRY!"

I scoot my back against the wall of Ollivander's. I can take Vernon hitting me, but- but Sirius is different. He's my Godfather, he was NICE to me. I hug my knees and start to rock myself back and forth slowly. By this point I'm crying.

"Harry, I need you to calm down. P-please, you're scaring me!"

I know that voice.


Why is she here? She must be getting her supplies. What would she think of me now? Then, I feel her hug me. Hug me. Why though? Why would she hug me? What did I do to deserve a hug? I stop rocking myself.

🚫It's done for now, enjoy the rest of the story🚫


~Hermione P.O.V.~

Harry's having a panic attack and I can't get him to calm down. I feel him stop rocking himself. I was just getting the last of my supplies, some quills and ink, when I spotted Sirius. I started to walk over to him to say "Hi," when I saw Harry. He looked terrified. Scared out of his mind. People had started to gather around, so I shooed them away. Harry is not some sort of zoo exhibit for passers by to gawk at. I feel him tense up when I hug him, so I loosen my grip, and then slowly let go. He's shaking.

"Harry, what happened?"

I know not to yell, it will only scare him more. Sirius answers for him.

"He zoned out, so I shook him lightly, and then this happened."

So that's what must have scared him so bad, Sirius shaking him...

"Harry, let's go back to my room in the Leaky Cauldron, how does that sound?" Sirius asks.



Hello! Sorry this is short, I tried. My motivation jumped out the window 😅

I will try to post a longer chapter next, with Wolfstar (because I'm obssesed), but it really depends on school. My longer chapters will most likely happen on weekends, so-

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and that you keep reading!

I wish I had more motivation,


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