Chapter 12

679 18 29

Word count:1921

Hinny friendship

Animagus Harry

Maybe Wolfstar?

Momma Minnie (again)


Also, side note:

Remus + Sirius are back at Hogwarts after being sent a letter by Minnie.

With that out of the way, 

Let the story begin~


~Remus P.O.V.~

I watch as Harry snuggles up into Sirius' side, seeing him fall asleep next to him, almost instantly.

"Well that was fast," I say. "Minerva, may I talk talk to you? Alone, please."

"Yes, we can go to my office."

"Thank you."

I glance back at the sleeping Sirius and Harry, glad that Harry's some-what okay. I follow Minerva to her office, and sit down in a chair.

"What were you wanting to talk about, Remus?"

"You said in your letter that Harry had another panic attack lately, I just wanted to ask you if you knew what triggered it?"

"I'm not exactly sure what it was, if I knew I would've told you in my letter. I could tell you what happened before he blacked out, if you'd like. I'm sure that you would be able to figure it out."

"Please do. I'm trying to figure out what exactly triggers them, so we can try and avoid as many panic attacks as possible."

"Alright then, if you wish. I suppose I should start from the beginning. Hermione had told me about what had happened this summer. Harry had been waiting just outside the door, and I went to get him so I could talk to him. I said that I was going to have to tell Dumbledore, and he started muttering something about how Dumbledore would find him weak, or be disappointed in him. He was yelling at this point, begging me not to, and Hermione attempted to calm him down. She yelled at him, I don't think she did it on purpose though."

"I see what it is now. Yelling sets him off. I should have known! Bloody Muggles!"

"Calm down, Remus. I understand that you're angry, I am too, but yelling won't fix anything."

I take a deep breath. 

"Sorry, I jus-"

"No need to apologize, I completely understand. Now the problem is trying to figure out how to remove him from those awful people."

At these words, I suddenly remember the letter Sirius showed me. 

"Did Hermione tell you about the letter?!"

"What letter?"

"Sirius showed it to me! It's from Lily and James! Harry never got it, those Muggles never let him have it!"

"What exactly did the letter say?" she says, trying to keep her voice steady.

"It said that Harry wasn't ever supposed to be living with those Dursley's, that he's supposed to be living with Sirius instea-"

"Wait a minute, slow down. I can't understand what you're saying."

"Harry is supposed to be living with Sirius."

"Where is this letter?"

"I don't know. I think Sirius has it."

Just then, Sirius opens the door and walks in, clutching the sleeping Harry in his arms. I stand up and walk over to him.

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