Chapter 9

841 23 8

Word count:1058

Animagus Harry


Hinny friendship


~Harry P.O.V.~

I wake up yawning in the arms of a sleeping Ginny. Wait, GINNY?! I swear Draco was holding me last!

I see Ginny wake up, probably my fault, for moving around too much, and stretch her arms. She looks down at me.

"Hey, Harry! You feel any better?" she asks, yawning.

I yawn as well and nod, unable to speak to her in English.

"That's good. You're probably wondering where Malfoy went, aren't you? I know how much you like him. Well, you haven't been asleep very long, but we were getting close when you did, so you best change back into a human and put on your robes."

I try to turn back, and realize that I'm stuck like this. At least, for now I am. I hiss softly, and she seems to understand.

"Are you stuck? Can you not turn back?"

I meow in response.

"Okkkkkayyy, that's not a good sign. Let me go get Hermione, I'll be right back! Don't move!"

I'm not listening to her at all though, because I see Draco walk past the compartment door, which she conveniently left open wide enough for me to fit through. I get butterflies in my stomach, and I go over to see Draco.

"Oh, it's you. Well, what do you want now?"

I jump up and paw at his knee, pleading with him to get him to pick me up again. When he does, I instantly feel better, and I notice a strange vibrating sensation in my chest as he starts to pet me.

"You really like me petting you that much, huh Pottah?"

I now realize what that feeling was. I'm purring. I can't stop myself though, his fingers are gentle as he runs them through my fur. I feel myself falling asleep, yet again. When I wake back up, we've arrived at Hogwarts, and I notice that I'm still a cat. Great.

I then feel myself being picked up and carried off the train and into a carriage by Ron. I thought I was with Draco! I start to hiss at Ron, and he looks down at me.

"What's wrong Harry?" he asks as we sit inside of the carriage.

I hiss again, and Ron looks over to Hermione on the other side of the carriage.

"Should I put him down?"

"Are you crazy?! If he's hissing at you then of course you should put him down!"

"Bloody hell, 'Mione! No need to get so angry with me!"

Ron finally sets me down and I stop hissing. I jump over to sit in Hermione's lap, and curl up.

"Ahh! Goodness Harry! You scared me!" she says quickly, jumping a little.

I nuzzle my head on her hand, hoping she'll understand and pet me. She does. As she pets me, I feel a familiar vibrating sensation in my chest. Great, I'm purring again.

"Wait, you can purr?" Ron asks me.

"He's a cat, Ronald. Of course he can purr."

Soon after she says this, I see the castle.

"Oh, good! We're here! Now we just need to find Professor McGonagall, she'll know what to do!"

I stop purring instantly and nip at her hand.

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