Chapter 17

423 15 10

Word count:903

Somebody asked for another chapter, so here you are! 






~Harry P.O.V.~

I am woken up by something being dropped on the floor, and I find myself on the couch wrapped in a blanket holding my stuffed bear, Sirius and Remus gone.

"Padfoot! You're going to wake him up!" I hear someone whisper-yell.

"Sorry, it was an accident!" 


I turn around on the couch, facing the back of it. Their conversation stops almost immediately, and I decide to try and go back to sleep. This couch is surprisingly comfortable. After what feels like about an hour, I wake up again to the smell of food. I sit up and rub my eyes, and leaving the blanket on the couch, stand up and walk over to the kitchen to find Remus, again, cooking food. I walk up behind him, looking at the pot on the stove, trying to find out what smells so good.

"What're you cooking? It smells good."

He turns around in surprise.

"Oh, Harry! You're awake!"

"Mhm, but really, what are you cooking?"



"Yes, soup."

Just then, Sirius walks out into the kitchen.

"You finally woke up!"

I kind of ignore him, turning to Remus instead.

"How long until the soup is ready?"

"It shouldn't be too long now."


I get up and put my bowl and silverware into the sink.

"I'm going to go to bed, goodnight."

"Ok, get a good night's rest pup."

"If you need anything just come get us, okay?"


🚫Self no-no scene, please skip if you are sensitive to this topic🚫

I need to tell them about my "problem", but then they wouldn't be nice to me anymore. Why would they be nice to someone they hate? I walk down the hall, and open my door, stepping inside and closing it behind me. I go to the bathroom to change and lay down on my bed. I just need to wait for them to go to sleep. After a while, I cast a Tempus. 2:30 A.M. They should be asleep by now. I slowly walk over to my door, on my way to the kitchen. I reach the kitchen at last, opening the knife drawer and grabbing the smallest one. 

"And just what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

I turn around to see Remus standing in the doorway to the kitchen with his arms crossed. I grab the knife tight and run, ducking past him and running as fast as I can go to my room. I get to my bedroom and lock the door behind me. I slump down against the door. I need to do this fast and hide this. I hear Remus opening his and Sirius' bedroom door, and hear them running down the hall to my room. I go to my closet and lock myself in there, and as soon as I sit down, I hear the door open.

"Harry, where are you? This is serious, you need to come here right now," someone says. It's Remus.

I stay silent, taking the time to roll up my pajama pants and make a few small incisions on my calf. That way, if they check my arms, they won't find any cuts.

"Harry, I will turn into Snuffles if I have to. This isn't a game."

Great, Sirius is here too. Again, I stay silent, making the cuts on my calf  deeper. I hear a small *pop* and hear Sirius slowly making his way towards the closet. I close my eyes tight and turn into my Animagus form as well, the knife dropping to the floor. From there, I jump up onto a high shelf, accidentally knocking over a small box due to the cuts on my leg. I find a small gap in between two boxes and squeeze between them. The door suddenly opens and I let out a small hiss as a bright light hits my eyes. Remus steps in first, picking up the bloody knife. He looks up at the shelves, looking almost directly at me.

🚫Self no-no scene is over🚫

"Harry, we know you're in here. You need to come down from that shelf right now."

I hiss at him.

"Harry, this is not a game. Come down here, or I will pick you up and bring you down, which will it be?"

I back up even farther into the shelves, hissing at him again.

"I will come up there and get you. Sirius, take the knife," he says, handing Sirius the knife.

He finds a small stool and moves it in front of the shelves, standing on it. He reaches his hands up towards me, and I scratch him. He continues to grab me anyway, while I continue to scratch and flail around wildly.

"Harry, I'm not going to let you go, no matter how much you scratch me," he says walking out of the closet, walking over to a conjured armchair and sitting down on it, me in his lap. I attempt to bite him, as the scratching proved to be ineffective.

"Biting me won't work either."

Sirius sits down in an armchair next to us, and I brace myself for the conversation that I know is coming.



Sorry, short chapters are the worst, I know. I'm so sorry if I triggered anybody with that one scene.



Question of the day: Did you do anything over Labor Day weekend?

I went to Florida!

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