Chapter 15 (300 read special)

579 16 40

Word count:2118


Some Wolfstar


Sorry for all these notes:

I just wanted to thank you all so much for 322 reads!

I'll stop here and let you read the story :)

P.S.: I make up some of these spells if they don't exist or if I can't find any research on them


~Sirius P.O.V.~

I feel Harry snuggle up into my chest and I shoot Moony a worried look. I lick my lips, it's a nervous habit.

"He'll be okay, Padfoot."

I wag my tail slightly at hearing my nickname. He walks over and sits down in front of me. Harry sees him, and walks over to him, plopping himself into his lap.

"See, Padfoot? I told you he's okay, well, physically at least."

I nose his hand, wanting him to pet me.

"Alright, come here you big baby..."

I stand up and walk over to him, my tail wagging. I sit down next to him, and enjoy his attention.


I'm in the kitchen with Moons, who is cooking breakfast at the moment, drinking a glass of water, when he walks over and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"Can you go wake up Harry?"


I walk over to Harry's room and open the door.


~Harry P.O.V.~

I'm sitting on my bed, putting on my shoes, when I hear the door open. I turn my head to look at who's there, and see Sirius standing there.

"Oh, you're already awake, and you're dressed!"

"Yeah, I've been up for about an hour and a half now."

He smiles at me.

"Moony made french toast. You should probably hurry, pup, if you don't want to be late for class."

"Okay," I say, putting on my right shoe. "I'm coming."

I finish putting on my shoes and grab my bag off of the desk, following him out the door and into the kitchen.

When I get to the kitchen, I glance at my watch. It reads 8:40 A.M.

"It's almost 9:00! I've gotta go!"

"At least grab a piece of french toast before you leave."

I grab a piece and run to the door, waving goodbye as I open it.

"I'll see you after classes!" I say, taking a bite of the french toast.

I close the door and run up to the castle, hoping I'm not late for potions.

I finally reach the classroom at around 8:58 A.M. I got lucky this time. I open the door and take my seat in between Hermione and Draco, Ron sitting in the desk on Hermione's left side. I take a minute to catch my breath, and watch the door, waiting for Professor Snape. Finally, I see him come into the room and start to write instructions on the board.

"Today we will be learning how to make a Sleeping Draught. You will need 4 sprigs of lavender, 6 measures of standard ingredient, 2 blobs of Flobberworm Mucus, and 4 Valerian sprigs," he says, voice steady. "I will be walking around making sure you don't accidentally poison someone, or blow up my classroom." 

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