Chapter 24

299 8 11

Word count:800


A little itty bitty bitty bit of Drarry fluff at the end


~Harry P.O.V.~

"Oh, that was fast! How did it go?" Ann asks me.

I hesitate for a moment. It didn't go as planned, but she doesn't need to know that.

"Good, it went good."

"That's good to hear. Now, considering that you were using the invisibility cloak, you're probably not supposed to be roaming around by yourself, but when have you ever followed the rules?"

Oh, if only she knew. I want to tell her everything, but I don't know if I can trust her yet. Luna always says good things about her so she probably is trustworthy, but, surprise, I have trust issues! So yeah, that's fun...

"Harry? Are you okay?"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Ann snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry, I zoned out," I say, trying to keep calm. I haven't had a panic attack since that time in Professor McGonagall's office, and I want to keep it that way.

"That's okay, I do that all the time in potions. Snape's classes are really boring sometimes. Also, his classroom smells. I can't tell if it's the potion ingredients or Snape though, that man looks like he hasn't showered since he started teaching here."

At this I let out a small snicker of laughter. 

"Anyways, we need a plan to get you back without you being seen. Oh, I have an idea! How about I act like I need to return a book to you and when I open the door, you sneak back in?"

"That's a good idea. Let's do it."

"Then what are you waiting for? Mr. Lupin and Mr. Black will find out you snuck out any moment now!" she says, pulling the invisibility cloak back over my head and pushing me towards the Entrance Hall.

We scurry out towards the hut, me trying to make as little noise as possible. When we get there, Ann walks straight up to Remus and asks him if he'd seen me. They talk for a while and eventually she manages to convince him to let her go inside. She opens the door and I walk in behind her, feeling safer now that I don't have to worry as much about being caught. Ann and I make our way to my room, me now letting out the breath I didn't even know that I was holding. As Ann cracks open the door I hear her gasp softly. She steps inside my room and gathers herself before speaking again:

"Oh, Draco, I didn't see you there! Do you by chance know where Harry is? I wanted to give back the book I had borrowed from him."

"And just who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Ann, I'm friends with Harry. He talks about you a lot actually, he really admires you, you know?"

"Then how come I've never heard of or seen you before?"

"I usually stay in the library because I don't have many friends. I am friends with two second years in Slytherin though!"

"So you're in second year?"

"No, I'm in third year. Can you just tell me where Harry is so that I can give him his book back? Please? I promise I'll leave right afterwards!"

"Why are you asking me? You're the one who's attempting to sneak him back in."

At this, she frowns.

"So you're not as dumb as some of the Ravenclaws make you out to be, huh? Who would have thought?"

"Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?" Draco says, an offended expression on his face.

"Forget I said anything. Can you please not tell anyone? I don't want Harry to get in trouble."

"Fine, but only if you tell me why you snuck out."

"Fine," I say, taking off the invisibility cloak. "I snuck out to go talk to Dumbledore."

"Of course you did..."

I'm about to retort when Ann interrupts me.

"I'm just going to go..."

"Okay, I'll see you in History of Magic tomorrow."

She slips out of the door with an awkward wave and Draco steps towards me.

"You can't do this Harry, I was starting to worry about you," he says, wrapping me in his arms.

"Sorry Dray, I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's okay, just don't do it again."

"I promise I won't."



I got blessed with motivation today! I'm sorry that my last part was super short so I made this one longer. 

Thank you guys so, so, so much for getting me to 2.3k!

Remember that I give you permission to spam my notifications when I don't post for at least 10 days straight. The reason I say 10 days is because I am currently working on finishing Chapter 1 of "The Hunt for Avery". I already have 3 pages worth of work in a word document so it should be posted soon!


The author <3

Question of the day: Do you like horror movies or not?

I like them but I get scared WAY to easily...

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