Chapter 53

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Man, I hate college physics class. If only I could be a woman in stem without too much of the STEM part :')




You ended up staying at the bar much longer than you had intended. Jimin told you he was going to start his masters degree in performing arts and when asked about how you got the job offer, all you could come up with was: "I was bartending at a wedding", leaving out the fact that it ended up being your own.

"Wow, networking never got me this far in bartendig. The best I could do was get invited by an elderly woman to her 90th birthday because she claimed I make the best mojitos."

"Well, that has to count for something."

"To this day it's the wildest party I've ever seen. You have no idea just how crazy a bunch of grannies can get when they've all had something to drink."

After asking for more details all you ended up doing was talk about the truly insane things Jimin had to tell about old people and their illegal shenanigans. 

"What do you mean she drove a Porsche?" you asked after literal hours of talking. Some time in between, Jimin had finished opening up and was now just sitting on a bar stool on the other side of the counter. "Wasn't she too old and shaky to even get into the car?"

"Oh no, you got it wrong. She didn't drive, she paid someone to take her for a joyride. Well, technically the car wasn't stolen so you can't call it a joyride, she just hadn't returned it on time."

You noticed had a habit of delivering the most absurd lines with a straight face only to then burst into tears as soon as he saw your reaction. It was already afternoon and the pool area was starting to get crowded. You wanted to press Jimin for more details and ask whether he got to drive the car, but people were already reaching the bar so you said goodbye and let him get to work.

Still with no answer from Jungkook, you returned to the hotel room where he was nowhere to be found. You fell asleep and only saw him again when you woke up in time for breakfast.

The two of you made your way downstairs without so much as exchanging a word. After calling the airline early in the morning and being promised the suitcase would arrive by tomorrow, it was the last time you had to borrow Jungkook's clothes on this trip for now. 

Speaking of Jungkook, it wouldn't exactly be accurate to say you had breakfast with him. It was more sitting in front of a clay golem instead of the Jungkook you knew. He was picking at his food without giving it a single glance and instead staring at the screen of his tablet, eye bags almost as dark as his blue T-Shirt.

You decided to give it one last try. 

"Jungkook?" He raised his head, staring at you like a deer in the headlights. "How about we do something fun before lunch? At least for a little while so you can get your mind off whatever secret project it is you're working on?"

You could see the hesitation in his eyes. He was going to say no.

"I really can't take a break."

"Then how about you at least take a nap? I haven't seen you sleep since we landed here and it can't be healthy."

He put the tablet aside and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I should probably sleep a little." He leaned back and crossed his arms, then changed his mind and ran a hand through his wavy black hair. The single strands looked unfairly soft and silky. "By the way", he continued. "There's already two photos of us here at the hotel. None of them mention a location but it's just a matter of time until someone finds out. Just so you know".

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