Chapter 26

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"You wouldn't believe what an asshole he is!", you muttered while shoving noodles in your mouth. 

Hoseok laughed at your reply.  You arrived at his place about an hour ago, but both of you were hungry so you decided to make instant ramen.

"Ok but have you thought that maybe this is his way of showing you he's glad you helped him?"

"No. And you shouldn't either. He's only doing this because he's a self-absorbed narcissist."

"But why would he do it when there's no one to see you? I think he really just wants to meet your parents."

You rolled your eyes. Hoseok was technically right, but you wouldn't just admit it. And deep inside you were still asking yourself why Jungkook would want to meet your family. 

"By the way, it's been almost two weeks already. Did anything happen?"

You gave him a confused look. What was he suggesting? 

"So you haven't slept with him yet?"

You slapped his arm as hard as possible. "You idiot, I'd rather choke than boost his ego even higher."

Hoseok looked you up and down. "I don't really know if I'd call that boosting his ego- Ok ok I'll shut up, stop hitting me!"

You put your hand down. 

"Did you at least see him naked?"

You slapped him again.

"I mean... You live together, it's unavoidable. Does he not accidentally forget his clothes when he takes a shower? Do you not accidentally forget your clothes when you take a shower? Maybe even on purpose?"

"We don't share a shower, you idiot. If you keep asking me stuff like this I'm gonna ask Jungkook if he wants to take you to dinner instead of me."

"We could talk about badminton," Hoseok fantasized.

In moments like these, you really wished he wouldn't be called 'Jung Hoseok' but 'Park Hoseok'.

"On another note: Do you have plans for this weekend?"

You sighed. "We're going to Busan."

"Just the two of you?"

"No, we're taking his ex with us. Of course just the two of us."


You stared at him dumbfounded. "What do you mean 'why'?"

"Why would he ask you to go to Busan if there is no one there to see you?"

You thought back at how Jungkook asked you to go to Busan, but only if you wanted. He didn't say anything about the contract. Hoseok asked a very good question. You shrugged, changing the topic because you had no answer to it.

While you were done doing your makeup in the evening, Hoseok was still commenting on things you could improve. 

"Try the other top, the one you left at my place last month."

"You had it all the time?! Why are you telling me just now?"

"It's not like you needed it."

You clicked your tongue. There wasn't time left to get changed.

"Put it on, the red one looks better."

You took a glance at your phone when you got a notification. It was Jungkook texting you he was already there. 

"It's just Jungkook, it's not like he cares," you muttered while putting your shoes on. 

Hoseok threw the top at you and you caught it in a swift movement.

"You know the drill, call me if he murders you, text me if-"

Before he could go on, the fabric you just threw landed on his face and he shook it off. 

"See ya!", he shouted when you closed the door.

You shook your head and hurried to get to the car, not wanting to let Jungkook wait for too long. It was already eleven, but the sky was not completely dark yet. Not that it ever got dark at night in Seoul. 

You looked around for a little, but when you spotted the car, you walked straight towards it. 

"I like your top", Jungkook said as you got in, not leaving you a chance to mutter some half-assed greetings. 

He liked the top. Take that Hoseok!

While he got the car started again, you looked at him from the side. It was obvious he worked the entire day, and the way his hands were resting on the steering wheel while he was driving was different than usual. Most of the times he would have a tight grip and every movement would be thought through - though he still ended up almost killing both of you most of the times; today he barely gripped the wheel, his fingers only loosely curling around it. 

You prayed he wouldn't get you killed. 

He had been spending so much time with you lately that you now realized that he still had to work. You almost forgot it, apart from the days when he was away. On those days, he probably worked more than the usual schedule to make up for the time he was spending with you. 

You wondered how long it would take him to get tired of it all. Like... really really tired. And how was he supposed to go on a honeymoon when he was so busy? 

"Why are you looking at me like that?", he asked at the stoplight.

"Keep your eyes on the road," you mumbled and pointed to the light that had already gotten green. 

You couldn't quite deny that he was making you a little nervous.

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