Chapter 11

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"I still can't believe you asked me to come all the way to take pictures of your fake wedding. No wonder you would barely hug each other. You're such an asshole, you know that, right?"

"Once again, it had to be believable."

"Wait, so you're the one running", you asked in disbelief.

You still couldn't wrap your head around the fact that Yoongi was the one who would post an article about Jungkook and you. 

And Hoseok.

He agreed to play along. 

"I'm not running it alone, obviously. But I am the one who founded it."

It might be fancy and cool to be married to Jungkook, but it was not a big thing like knowing the one behind bangtan.

You've read articles on that website. You even had the app. It kept you up to date with celebrity and idol drama.

Now you were about to be part of the drama.

"Where are you?", Yoongi asked.

"We're almost there", Jungkook answered. "Jung, what about you?"

"I... You know I live here, right?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

You were in his car, on your way to Hoseok's apartment. There was a conference call going on between Jungkook's phone, Hoseok, and Yoongi.

"Where are you?", Jungkook asked. It was directed at Yoongi.

"Near Jung's house. Just act natural and if you see me, don't look at the camera."

A few intersections later, you got out of the car.

Jungkook went the extra mile again and put an arm around your shoulder after you got out of the car.

He'd make an exemplary husband if he meant it.

He strolled on purpose so Yoongi could get good shots. The conference call was still going on, but none of you could hear if something was being said, as Jungkook's phone was in his pocket.

He bowed down to your ear.

"Act like I just said something funny."

"This whole marriage is a joke", you replied, but then laughed as requested.

As you reached the door, you rang the bell. 

This was the call for action.

Hoseok opened the door and flashed a smile, then, as scripted (by Yoongi, because Jungkook would never come up with such an idea), he hugged Jungkook first.

"This is very awkward", he said through gritted teeth while hugging you.

He gestured you to come inside, and after he closed the door, Jungkook took his phone out.

"Did you get what you needed?", he asked Yoongi.

"Yes. Looks good. I'm gonna head straight home so it'll be up by seven."

"All right, thanks."

He hung up.

Hoseok and you exhaled relieved.

"You guys should stay here for a while, just in case someone else followed you. I got ice-cream."

His offer surprised you, but deep inside you hoped Jungkook would agree, because now you wanted some ice-cream.

"Sure, why not."


You two followed Hoseok into the living room and he left you alone to get the ice-cream.

"Sooo... how long is this marriage going to be like this?", Hoseok asked, trying to make conversation.

This sure wasn't the way to go.

Jungkook sat down and shrugged.

You were surprised. You expected a certain answer like 'until Sunday'. As you've discussed.
You looked at him, waiting for an explanation.

"I'm gonna wait for Yoongi to upload the article and then we'll see."

You took a glance at the clock. It will be up in about half an hour.

Hoseok seemed to notice that this wasn't the best thing to start a conversation with, so he distracted from the marriage by pulling Jungkook into a conversation about Badminton.

It was just now that you realized he probably searched that on Google before inviting you two to stay, so he had at least something to talk about with Jungkook.

To your dismay and confusion, they got along better than you expected. 

Too well for your taste.

Maybe if Hoseok's last name was Park, he would've rather married him.

You were glad you didn't take on Jungkook's last name.

That would've been weird. 

You were listening passively to their conversation and were browsing the internet when you got a notification from

'Jeon Jungkook visiting family friends with his wife.'

"Guys, it's online."

Jungkook stopped laughing with Hoseok and took his phone out.

All three of you were silently reading the brief article on your phones.

It had all the essential scores Jungkook wanted: Yoongi mentioned the other article titling you as a cheater. He talked about Hoseok being a close friend of yours, and he stated that he and Jungkook had been getting along very well since they met.

You didn't know why, but you were feeling a little... Off. 

Maybe it was because Hoseok was getting along with Jungkook.

Or maybe it was because you were finally about to get your life back - except for your job.

It was probably the cooldown of everything that has happened since last week. 

It was definitely not the fact that you were getting used to being called Jungkook's wife.

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