Chapter 25

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Hehe, guess who forgot to update?




When you woke up the next day, Jungkook was still there. 

"I'll pick you up at eight," he said, taking a bite from his breakfast.

"Actually, I'm going to meet up with Hoseok today. Is it okay if you pick me up from his house?"


While he was scrolling through his feed, you read the book your friend lend you. You planned on giving it back next week. 

Then your phone rang. 

You didn't even look at the screen, thinking it was Hoseok as always. 

It was your father. 

"Y/N, you didn't call last night. Did something happen?"

Shit, you forgot. You always called on Thursday. 

"Oh, hi dad. No, everything is fine. I must've forgotten."

Which translates to 'I was actually thinking about my fake husband and our honeymoon.'

"Are you alright, how is mom?"

Jungkook looked up from his phone for a moment. 

"I'm fine. Well, as far as 'fine' goes. Your mother just left for work."

"Why is she still working? I told her she needs to rest. She can't keep going like that, she'll get herself hurt."

"I know, but she won't listen. She keeps talking about how she is still fit enough to take care of everything."

'How she doesn't need any help' was what he wanted to say. 

It amazed you how she always tried to be so selfless. 

And there you were, lying to be Jungkook's wife because he paid you. 

You wondered whether she was truly the one who raised your brother and you.

"I'm coming over on Tuesday. Do you want me to bring anything?", you changed the topic. 

"No, we're fine."

You kept talking about meaningless things and you didn't ask if they got the money you sent. Not with Jungkook in the room. 

You wondered if your father called because he noticed you sent a larger amount than usual and wanted to know what happened but didn't have the courage to ask you. You told them last week that you found a job that required you to be available at all times, therefore you couldn't visit them. 

When he hung up, you wanted to go straight to your room. 

"You can't go on Tuesday, we have plans."

"No, we don't. You said I shouldn't plan anything for Friday, you didn't say anything about Tuesday", you argued.

"I forgot to tell you."

He can't just plan things and not tell you about them.

"Well, it's too late. I already told them I'm coming over, I can't call it off."

"Then take me with you."

"Pff, yeah sure", you laughed. When you looked at him though, you realized he was serious. "What? No, no way you're coming with me!"

"Why not?"

"Because they are my parents?"

"So what? We're married."

"Exactly! That's the problem. They have no clue I'm married."

"They don't have to know we're married."

So what, he planned on going there and acting like your boss? Or worse, like a friend? 

Yeah, no. 


"Oh come on. It could be fun."

"Just be honest, the only reason you want to come is that it's good for your image if someone sees us."

He gave you an overly fake offended look and put a hand on his chest dramatically as if it hurt him.

"Whaat? Nooo... Why would you think that? Maybe I just want to meet the parents of my dearly beloved wife."

You rolled your eyes at him. It could actually be fun if your brother was there. You really wanted to see the look on his face when he found out you were married to Jeon Jungkook. 

"What is wrong about wanting to meet your parents? Do you think they won't like me?"

"Oh they'd love you," you blurted out, realizing too late that you just accidentally fed his ego an unhealthy amount of compliments.

"But I can't just go there saying I'm married."

"I could just say I'm your boyfriend", Jungkook grinned, finishing his breakfast. 

"If my brother looks your name up, he'll find out immediately", you tried to argue.

"Then ask him to cover for you", he whined like a child.

You thought about it. Your brother and you weren't very close, but you guessed he would do that for you if you asked him to. You could lie to him and say that you got married and didn't know how to tell your parents. 

Or you could tell him the truth.

But that wouldn't be fun. And it would probably be against the contract.

"Why are you so persistent about it?"

You had no huge problem with him meeting your parents. But after you met his family yesterday, you were a little anxious he might think... differently of you. 

"Because it bothers you and I find that amusing. So it's your choice. Take me with you or call it off and come with me."

"That's so unfair. It's your fault you didn't tell me about the plans-"

"You didn't ask."

You were about to stab him with your spoon. 

"-and you can't just make me introduce you to my parents."

"True. But you said they'd love me and now my ego needs nourishment." He stuck his tongue at you and you wanted to throw your spoon at him, but then decided against it as it might ruin his clothes and he might make you pay for it. 

"You're such an asshole," you mumbled.

"I heard that! Don't act like you're any better."

You shook your head, trying not to smile. 

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Where stories live. Discover now