Chapter 19

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"We should get to know each other better."

You looked at him in confusion. 

"So it's believable. They think I've known you for three months," he explained. 

Makes sense. 


He gestured you to follow him into the living room and you two sat on the couch. 

"Go ahead," he said. 

"I don't even know where to start."

"What's your favorite drink?", he asked and leaned back in his seat. He looked at you, waiting for a response.

"How is this going to help?"

"Do you want me to get started with the 'What's your biggest fear?' type of questions?"

You violently shook your head. This was way too early. 

"Chocolate milk. What about you?"

"Banana milk."

"That is disgusting."

He rolled his eyes. "Your turn."

"Between money and love, what would you go for?"

"Ok wow. I thought we were starting off easy," he started, but then he thought about it. "I'd go for love."

Again, it made sense. He already had the money. 

"Why did you want the job at my company so badly?"

It didn't slip your mind that he didn't ask you the same question back. Did that mean he thought he already knew the answer?

"I told you, I need the experience. And it's not exactly easy to get a job without that. I just took the opportunity."

"You used me. You took advantage of my poor situation," he said in a fake hurt tone and put a hand on his chest. 

You laughed. "Don't act like you didn't do the same."

You remembered one thing that you wanted to know. "Did you have the rings the whole time with you, or did you have to replace them because your ex took off?"

If he noticed that your question wasn't intended to get to know him better, he didn't show it.

"I actually had them the entire time. Had to make sure that nothing goes wrong. Who would've thought it'd end like this?", he answered. "What would a perfect date look like?"


He must've seen that the question was a little too personal. "We should make something up, like in case they ask us what our best date was."

You doubted any sane parent woud ask that. 

"I don't really know." You didn't exactly have had the time to go on many dates. "Maybe something at the pool in the evening?"

"Like what, skinny dipping?"

You gave him a disturbed glance. "No? Why would you even think of that? I mean like stargazing or something."

He chuckled.

"What would your perfect date look like?", you asked in return. 

"Skinny dipping," he shot straight ahead. You raised your brows in surprise and he started laughing at your reaction. 

That was the moment you noticed the cute little wrinkles around his eyes and the way his chest went up and down when he giggled. 

You subconsciously shook your head to get rid of the thought. 

"Just kidding." He stopped giggling. "I'd love to just go away somewhere for a week or two. I don't care what we do, I just want some rest", he sighed. 

He did look tired. You noticed it when he took his jacket off, the way his shoulders sagged a little more than usual, how he ate slower than usual - or maybe it was because he just didn't like your ramen - and the most important thing: it's been almost an hour and he hasn't insulted you yet, nor have you gotten into a petty argument. 

"Speaking of going away, where would you like to go this weekend?"


He shrugged. "I have two days off. I thought we could go somewhere together. I was thinking of Busan or Jeju Island. If you want to, of course."

Weird. That he wasn't mentioning the contract.

"I- yeah sure. Why not?"

"So where do you want to go?"

You thought about it. Busan had a nice beach, but Jeju island would be perfect for the pictures and the rumours. But then again, it would be hella uncomfortable and you really didn't want to be around the numerous couples licking each other off for two days straight. 

"Busan sounds good."

"I was opting for that, too."

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Where stories live. Discover now