Chapter 10

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The week passed way faster than you expected. By Friday, you were almost certain that Jungkook didn't even really exist, and that it was all just a fever dream. Throughout the past five days, you only saw him three times, excluding the insignificant run-ins in the apartment.

The only thing reminding you that you were married to Jeon Jungkook was your wedding ring, your account balance, and his private phone number.

You were on your way to meet Hoseok. You had kept in touch, keeping him up to date with the small things that happened around the apartment.

Jungkook had asked you to stay inside as much as possible, as there would probably be people around the apartment taking pictures. There wasn't much to do besides writing your resignation letter for your current job, so you did what every person with neither friends nor hobbies does:

You binge-watched TV shows.

Pretty much the entire day.

Jungkook had already informed you on Tuesday that the divorce papers took longer than expected and that he would send them to you in a few days.

You had been at your apartment two times already to pick more stuff that you needed, but you haven't met up with Hoseok yet. That was what you planned for today.

Last time you saw him, he congratulated you on getting married.

You met him at his apartment.

"Six days of marriage and you still look the same. You don't look like you've been dicked down by Jeon. What happened, is he still crying over his ex?", he greeted you. You slapped his arm, but you still laughed and hugged him.

"I've seen him a total of three times. The dinner was the most boring thing ever. And the food was bad."

"Damn, you sound bitter. Do you mean it or are you lying to yourself to feel better?"

"I mean it."

He stepped aside to let you in.

You went to the kitchen and helped yourself to a cup of water. June was starting to get hot.

"Wait, so you haven't talked to him all this time?"

"Not really. Yoongi, the photographer, sent me the wedding pictures this morning, by the way. Wanna see them? He sent the best ones, the rest should be done by Sunday."

He nodded and sat on the couch.

Hours later, the two of you were laughing about the people in the background of the pictures when 'Jeon Jungkook' suddenly popped up on your phone screen.

You answered the phone, confused as to why he would call you.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

This sounded bad.

You wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but he got ahead of you.

"There's an article with a photo of you hugging Hoseok. And you know what the title is? 'Cheater exposed'. I asked you to stay at home until things cleared up. It was one little thing, but you couldn't just listen to me, could you?"

You were speechless. It wasn't a peachy situation, that was for sure, but you didn't expect him to react like that. You thought he would be handling things more... professionally.

He sounded genuinely upset.

"Where are you right now?"

"At Hoseok's apartment."

He scoffed. "Yes, I know that. I mean the address."

You told him.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes. We have to fix this."

"Damn. If you don't get dicked down after this, then he's probably not straight", Hoseok joked after having heard the whole conversation.

You looked at him, not in the mood for jokes.

"I don't want to state the obvious, but I feel like he's treating you more like his wife rather than a business partner."

You couldn't put your hands on what you were feeling right now. On one hand, you were worried about how this would affect your contract with Jungkook. On the other hand, you were upset that he was reacting like that. You might have a contract, but that didn't mean he had a right to be angry at you for simply visiting a friend.

In the remaining time, you googled your name and the title of the article Jungkook had mentioned.

"Good luck", Hoseok whispered at the door. "Call me if he murders you, text me if he dicks you down."

You gulped. As much as you couldn't stand Jungkook, if you had the choice there was no doubt which option you'd go with.

You got in the car. The ride was silent, but you didn't bother saying anything. You decided to handle this like an adult.

When you arrived back at his place, he closed the door behind you and went to the kitchen.

"I know that you're in this for the money," - he was right - "but did you have to make it obvious like that?"

"Listen. I had no idea that someone took pictures. You told me to wait until the end of the week until things cool down. I wasn't expecting them to take pictures either."

He groaned. Maybe it was because you were right.

"This would be a good occasion to get divorced," you suggested. You had to admit that you would miss being paid to sit in Jungkook's living room and watch Netflix shows. "Everyone thinks I'm cheating anyway."

"This would be the worst occasion to get divorced! The whole point of this marriage was to stop rumors, this would do the exact opposite. I told you, we'll get divorced in private."

"Okay, but what rumors?"

He still hasn't said anything about it.

"That's none of your business."

You raised your hands in a defensive way. "I'm just trying to understand so I can help. Can't you just asked the guy who you talked to on the boat back then to take the article down?"

He shook his head. "That would look even more suspicious. Plus, it's been shared quite a few times, they'll notice if it gets deleted."

"Then let's go to Hoseok's house again, this time together."

He thought about it. "They'll probably see us, but they won't publish any pictures. They want things to remain dramatic."

They liked spicy, in other words.

"Don't you have any contacts with an agency that could take pictures and write an article about it?"

Suddenly he lit up.

"Not quite. But I know someone who runs a website."

You wondered who it was.

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