Chapter 35

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When you found out that Jungkook didn't have to work today, you were a little confused. You thought he'd have to make up for the time taken off work to spend with you. And after he came late yesterday, you expected him to be in his office again. But when you finally decided to grow some balls and go downstairs, his keys were still there. Could it be that Jungkook worked until late in the night yesterday to get today off? But why should he? 

Whatever his reasons were, you couldn't exactly ask him about it. On one side because it would be awkward and on the other one because he hadn't left his room yet. Which was good, because you could grab something to eat without having to think about the fact that you slept right next to him. And that he hugged you. And that you may or may have not liked it. 

Later, you called your parents to tell them you'll be there for lunch and your father told you not to hurry because they weren't home yet. Which was a good thing, because that meant you could procrastinate talking to Jungkook even longer! 

Eventually, there came the time that you had to face the problem. So you took your hypothetical balls and courage and knocked on his door. It took him a few moments to open the door. When he did, you both fell quiet. Where were your balls and courage again? 

There was a reason they were only hypothetical. 

"My parents expect us around one pm", you mumbled, looking everywhere but at his face.

"Great," he responded. You were about to go when he called your name. You turned around. 

"Y/N," he repeated gaining a little more courage. "About what happened in the night-"

"There's no need to talk about it", you interrupted. 

He probably didn't even remember half of the things that happened. 

"Thank you", he said after a few moments. "For staying with me. I was having a really hard time falling asleep."

That wasn't exactly what you expected.

"No problem."

You didn't want to say 'anytime' out of fear this could reoccur. 

"Soo, what were you dreaming about?" It wasn't probably the right question, but curiosity took over you. 

"I don't remember."

Was he... blushing? There! He was definitely blushing. Oh, this was getting very interesting!

"Really? Because you said some things while you were asleep," you teased. It was amusing how all color left his face. "It's quite funny, actually. Because first, you said 'go away' and shortly after you called my name."

"Yeah, really amusing. Too bad I can't remember."

And then he closed the door in your nose. 

Now you were more determined than ever to find out what the dream was about. You figured the two phrases couldn't correlate, otherwise he would've made fun of you. Or he would've told you you were stalking him. This was something far more personal and you weren't sure how far you'd have to go to find out the truth, but it wasn't like you had anything else to do right now, so this might be a challenge. 

When you got into the car and were ready to go, there was an unsettling grin on Jungkook's face. 

"What's wrong with you?", you asked, not caring about your word choice but more about the fact that he could be about to reveal that he was going to murder you. 

"Just to clarify, we're going to meet your parents right now, right?"

"Yes," you confirmed. "Why are you grinning like that?"

"Because I just remembered something."

You nodded. He looked at you, expecting you to ask what it is. "Don't you wanna know what I just remembered?"

"I'm not quite sure I want to know. But you're going to tell me anyway, aren't you?"

"Fine, I'll tell you", he exaggerated. Remember how you agreed to let me meet your parents under two conditions?"

Where was this going?

"I remembered your second condition: I can meet your parents if I act like your boyfriend."

"You forget a ton of things but that's what you remember?"

"Now, if I remember correctly, I should act like a believable boyfriend, right?"

You didn't respond. He was going to tell you anyway.

"So that means you should act like my girlfriend too."

Okay, so now what?

Was that all? Did Jungkook enjoy stating the obvious all the time?

"And I think it would only be suitable if we make it believable."

Okay, where was this going? You looked at him, waiting for him to continue, but that was all. You didn't ask what that was supposed to mean, you'll find out eventually. Sooner or later. 

This was either going to get super embarrassing or super kinky, there was no in-between. 

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon