Chapter 5

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Layla's dream

He let out a slight chuckle, shaking his head at my dramatic gasp. I had spilled iced coffee all over myself and was now frantically wiping it with a napkin from the box on the counter next to me. "Shit," I muttered under my breath as more of the liquid soaked into my shirt.

"Stop laughing and help me out here asshole," I grumbled, trying to sound annoyed but failing as a smile tugged at my lips.

He remained seated in the corner, watching me with amusement, his smirk refusing to fade. "Sorry," he said, though his tone indicated otherwise. His gaze traveled up and down my coffee-stained figure before returning to meet mine.

"You should take off your shirt so that I can clean off the stains on your skin," he suggested, approaching me with a confident stride. I watched as he moved closer, his presence towering over me as he reached my chair. He hovered above me, wearing a smug grin that made my heart race.

"It seems you've already lost this game, love," he declared, reaching out toward me. I felt a shiver run down my spine as his fingers brushed against my bare arm, sending tingles across my skin.

"So this is a game?" I raised an eyebrow at him, a hint of challenge in my tone. "Yes, it is," he confirmed, leaning in close to whisper in my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. "And I win."

But before he could kiss the nape of my neck, I stopped him by gently holding his chin and turning his head toward me. "This is a game?" I repeated, a mischievous glint in my eyes. He knew I was competitive, and declaring himself the winner already? Oh, he was in for a surprise.

I slowly brought his face closer to mine, whispering into his ear, "You're going down, love," mocking his earlier declaration. Our lips were mere inches apart, and I could feel the warmth radiating from his. He caged me between his arms and body, his presence enveloping me entirely. Despite the hunger in his eyes, he remained still, waiting for me to make a move.

With a smirk, I lightly pecked the corner of his mouth and then planted a soft kiss on his cheek. His grip tightened, pulling our faces closer together. Pulling back slightly, I teased, "Look who's winning." His furrowed eyebrows and slight frown only added to his adorable expression. I wanted to kiss him right then and there.

But I held back, savoring the moment. Instead, I trailed my fingers over the side of his face, relishing the feel of his smooth skin beneath my touch. He closed his eyes, lost in the sensation. Seizing the opportunity, I ran my tongue along the edge of his bottom lip, causing him to part his lips slightly. With a gentle touch, I traced my finger along his lower lip and down his jawline, lingering over the faint scar.

I placed my other hand on his chest, feeling the erratic beating of his heart beneath my touch. A smile crept onto my lips as his body heat radiated through his jacket and shirt. Moving my hand down his chest, I rested it on his abdomen, my thumb rubbing back and forth. I felt his breath hitch, and I couldn't help but smile. This was going to be fun.

But before I could continue any further, he stopped me, holding my hand in place.

"Don't play games, love. If you don't want this to go any further, stop it right now," he said, his voice almost pleading. The deep timber of his voice sent shivers down my spine, a sensation I relished. I loved seeing him lose control, especially when he looked at me like that-as if I were his only priority, as if no one else mattered in that moment.

"Say I win then," I challenged him, my voice dripping with sultry confidence. The effect it had on him was evident, and I relished in it.

"Fuck," he gulped, clearly affected by my tone. I leaned forward to nibble his lower lip before pulling back, teasing him further. He struggled to maintain his composure, and I could see the desire flickering in his eyes. "Just... stop..." he managed to get out, sounding almost desperate.

I reveled in the sensation of power that coursed through me, even though this confident, sexy act was just a facade. I moved back a few inches from him, tracing my fingers along the side of his face once again.

"Okay," I relented, knowing that pushing him further would only lead to losing control. I pulled away from him, feeling a rush of heat coursing through my veins.

He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply as I picked up the cloth on the table beside me, holding it out to him while looking up at him innocently. "What do you think? Will you help me, or are you just going to watch?" I asked, batting my eyelashes innocently. Then, with a smile, I peeled off my shirt, leaving me standing in nothing but a bra and sweatpants. "Do you think I look better without my clothes on?"

His eyes snapped open, and he quickly averted his gaze, mumbling something incoherent as he took the cloth from my hand.

"I am never playing this game with you again," he muttered under his breath before lifting me effortlessly by the waist and placing me on the countertop. Once he ensured I was comfortable, he bent down to remove my socks before heading to the sink to wet the towel.

As he worked, a small smile crept onto my lips. I knew I had gotten to him, and I relished every moment of it. Watching him with a small frown on his face, he resembled a little puppy, and it was utterly endearing.

With gentle strokes, he wiped away the stains from my shoulder and chest before carefully dabbing at the fabric around the center of my stomach. I closed my eyes, overwhelmed by the tenderness in his actions. It was moments like these that made me feel loved.

I opened my eyes, gazing at the beautiful man before me, a smile gracing my lips.

"What?" he asked, his expression softening as I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Nothing, it's just that you are very beautiful," I stated quietly, feeling a faint blush rise to his cheeks as he continued to meet my gaze. It was a sight that made my heart flutter.

"You are blushing, we've been together for almost three years and you are blushing," I teased, unable to suppress a small laugh.

"Shut up," he grumbled, his voice tinged with embarrassment. But I didn't mind; in fact, I found his blush utterly endearing. It was one of those rare moments that reminded me of his vulnerability, and I cherished every instance of it.

When he finished cleaning, he looked down at me and cupped my face in his hands, his fingers gently caressing my skin.

"I want you to know that I really love you, okay?" he said earnestly, his sincerity causing my heart to swell with emotion. Unable to form words, I simply nodded, a lump forming in my throat at his words.

"Good, I need you to know that." He told me, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.


As I opened my eyes, tears streamed down my face, leaving me startled and disoriented. The remnants of the dream lingered, its meaning slipping through my fingers like sand. It felt too real, too intimate to be just a dream. The emotions it stirred within me were too genuine to dismiss; I felt a love so profound that it left a void in my heart even after waking up.

"What the fuck is happening?" I muttered to myself, shocked by the intensity of it all.


Author's note:

Buckle up, you guys are in for a ride(evil smirk).
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