Chapter 27

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I understood why my parents acted the way they did—why they shielded me, why they forbade me from talking to Elijah. But there lingered something deeper, something they kept hidden, something they didn't want me to uncover. They went to great lengths, even giving me medication to erase memories, and that terrified me. There had to be more to the story, something beyond just remembering William and Esha. The mere thought sent shivers down my spine, and I felt like I was on the verge of unraveling.

"Layla," Elijah whispered, his voice strained with pain. But I felt no flicker of empathy, only a seething hatred boiling within me. I despised him, despised Sophie, and I couldn't bear to even look at her. Was I so far gone in my own mind that I mistook her for Esha? What had become of Esha?

A part of me, buried deep down, recoiled from the thought. I didn't want to know the truth, didn't want to face the horrifying reality lurking beneath the surface.

"I don't want to hear any more of your fucking lies," I spat, meeting his gaze head-on. His jaw clenched, and I could see the struggle in his eyes as he fought to contain his tears.

"I didn't have any choice, Layla. I had to do this," he muttered, taking a step back and avoiding my gaze, his words only fueling my anger.

No choice? The audacity of his excuse sent a surge of rage coursing through me. He had no fucking choice but to pretend he had feelings for me?

I scoffed and turned to Sophie, my voice dripping with contempt.

"Was it fun? Playing Esha? Pretending all along and making a mockery of me? How did it feel, coming down here together to his house, laughing behind my back because I fell for your lies?" Sophie was already in tears when I looked at her, but she remained silent, allowing me to unleash my pent-up fury.

I understood on some level why they did this, why they were trying to help me remember. But in that moment, all I could think about was how Elijah pretended to like me when we were best friends in the past, and how Sophie played her part so convincingly as Esha. It felt like a betrayal of the highest order.

And suddenly, a realization dawned on me like a bolt from the blue.

"Oh my god. Is that why you never told me where your house was? Or why you never brought me here?" I pointed accusingly at Elijah, and the answer became crystal clear when he couldn't meet my gaze.

I laughed bitterly. So that was the reason. They had been meeting up here all along, and they didn't want me stumbling upon them by mistake.

"And the fucking audacity you had to tell me he liked me when he's your boyfriend for God's sake," I seethed, my voice trembling with rage. I marched towards her, feeling the overwhelming urge to throw things in every direction.

"Please. Please listen to us," she pleaded, but I was in no state of mind to listen. I had completely lost it.

"So that's the reason why you weren't going to the orphanage," I breathed, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. A bitter laugh escaped me. "That's the reason you didn't take me to meet grandma, because you're not Esha." Another laugh erupted from me, tinged with madness. How could I have been so blind, so utterly foolish? I fell for her lie so easily, and now the truth stared me in the face, mocking my naivety.

Elijah reached out to place a hand on my shoulder, but I recoiled instinctively, stepping back from his touch.

"Don't you fucking dare touch me," I spat, glaring at him with venom in my eyes, putting a little distance between us. A small tear slipped from his eyes, but I refused to let it sway me.

"Don't do this to me, Layla. You're my best friend," Elijah pleaded, desperation evident in his voice as he reached out to touch me once more. "You know why I did this. You know I would never hurt you. Don't be like this."

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