Chapter 39

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"Jungkook... why did you hide this from us?" His mother asked.

"Eomma... I honestly did not know I will fall in love."

"Oh, son. Jungkyun, what shall we do?"

"We can quickly cancel the wedding." Her husband said.

"Abeoji, not yet."

"Abeonim.. my brother will then destroy our company. He has his aces to bring the company down if Jungkook will suddenly cancel the wedding. He has so many plans already. I can't lose my father's company." Tae said.

Jihyo hugged Taehyung. He's also fighting his internal battles. He looked at him with sad eyes. "I will stay as your second mom no matter what happens." She told Taehyung. He pity the boy and he loves him a lot. He would keep him at whatever cost. "Don't worry, we'll also help you out. Right, Jungkyun?"



"Yes, of course." He said suddenly scared about his wife.

"We'll need your help, abeoji. Uncle Kim trusts you a lot. Once I get all the documents from Yoongi, you can talk to his dad about it. I just need to sort out some other things. I'll continue to act as if I am changing for Jimin. I'll wait for Yoongi to get back to me.

"Eomma I need your help to distract Jimin while we are here. I'll try to get his phone away from him in that whole 2 weeks to avoid getting any information from Taemin."

"No worries. I can do that."

"Abeoji, we'll tell Jimin that you are not around so that he'll pity eomonim and will request for us to stay here. That would ensure that we have a week to stay here and he'll be a lot more busier."

"Okay, son. I'll be staying in your villa in Gyeongpodae for the meantime. Me and your mother planned it after your wedding, but looks like we'll have to do it earlier."

Day of the wedding...

"Eomonim, I'm already done cooking our lunch." Jin said, telling Jihyo who was busy getting the table fixed.

"Okay, Seokjin-ah."

When Jin settled the food he finished cooking, he was confused to see 5 plates on the table.

"Eomonim, do we have a visitor today?"

"Yes, Seokjin."

"Oh, I think I should stay in my room tonight

"What are you saying? You'll love to meet our visitors."

"Who is it, eomonim?"

"Later! Jungkyun just walked with them along the beachside. They'll be here anytime."

Early morning on the wedding day...

"Father, why are we here? The wedding is in just a few hours! I need to still have everything settled." Jimin asked when they are on their way to his stepfather's office.

"Taehyung called me..." he said and was more surprised when they saw more people inside upon opening his room. "What is this, Taehyung? Why are you all here? Who are these people?"

Jimin was shocked to see familiar people in the room. He was about to run away when a strong hand gripped him and whispered "You might want to see what will happen." Yoongi whispered to him.

Jungkook just smirked already knowing what is goong to happen.

"Dad, this is Lee Seungmin, our new sponsor for our Singapore company."

"What do you mean by new sponsor? We don't need financial support, our company is doing just fine."

Taehyung went near his dad and gave him an envelope. "These are the financial documents of our company in Singapore. We are almost losing our shares because apparently there are a lot of stocks that were not handled well. A lot of our board of directors sold their shares to invest it to different companies..."

"Mr. Kim, allow me to introduce myself, I am Kim Namjoon, husband of Jung Hoseok, CEO of Jung's Financial. We have identified identified big transfers of money as well from your company to an unknown one. This also resulted for your Singapore company to be a red flag for some investors. The unknown company can never be revealed though."

"Dad, the second document shows that it's not really a company. It was tagged as a business account because of the amount invested in it, but it's name is under your wife. Park Ji-hoo..."

"What? Jimin, what is this?!" He asked angrily looking at his step son.

"Dad, it's just... mom wanted me to...I can fix this. Once I marry Jungkook. We can merge the companies and your company will be strong again."

"What marriage?" Jungkyun entered the room.


"Hyun Bin... sorry for arriving late."

"Abeonim..." Jimin said.

"What wedding, I asked" Hyun Bin repeated. "I won't let my son marry someone who tricked him in carrying a child of another person."

Jimin gasped. He looked at Yoongi in disbelief.

"Hyun Bin, looks like your son and your wife are great tricksters and they've been milking your company for a long time. I can't let that happen to my company." He said handling an envelope to the said man. "The doctor performed a paternity test and the child is positively not a Jeon."

They all looked at the door when someone else came in.

"What is all this?" Ji hoo asked. She saw her son crying while his husband was looking at a paper angrily. "Bin, what is this? Jimin? Is there a meeting I should know? Are we talking about the wedding here? Is there a problem?"


"Tell me, Jimin!"

"Tell me everything, Ji-hoo... before I let you rot in jail. Tell me first while I still can forgive you."

Ji-hoo looked at her son. She approached him. "You stupid dumb kid! What have you done?!" She was about to slap him. Jimin closed his eyes expecting a strong slap at his cheek but it never came. Yoongi's hand was above him, while Taehyung's hand gripped her mother's hand strongly.

"Jimin might have done something wrong to give what you want but he was never stupid nor dumb..." Taehyung said. "If there's anyone to blame, it will just be you. I have searched your record. You've wanted Jimin to established a company under the name Park in order for you to have all the money. You wanted to make him your working machine while you enjoy all the money you got from our company and from my dad." Taehyung said. Ji-hoo looked at him with full of surprise. "You never wanted me to call you my mom. I think it all makes sense now because I will never call someone like you my mother." He said releasing her hand.

Jimin looked at Yoongi.

Yoongi saw again the same Jimin he loved before. A helpless Jimin.

"I guess the meeting is over." Jungkyun said. "I need to fetch my wife because we have a wedding to attend later. Jungkook, let's go?"

"Yes, abeoji, I'll be outside with you." Jungkook tapped Yoongi's shoulder.

"Tae, Namjoon, thank you." He smiled at them and hugged his bestfriend.

The Jeons left, Namjoon followed, leaving the Kims and Parks to settle the disagreement. Of course starting today, Yoongi will never leave Jimin and their child again.

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