|Chapter 1|

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Chapter One:

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Chapter One:

In the cozy kitchen of their home, (Y/N) stood alongside her children, Hinoko and Kijuro, each with a look of excitement on their faces.

The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, filling the room with a sense of anticipation.

"Alright, you two," (Y/N) said with a playful grin, "let's make sure we have everything ready for when Daddy comes back. He's going to be starving after his journey."

Hinoko, her eyes sparkling, nodded vigorously as she carefully placed utensils on the table.

Kijuro, a bit younger than Hinoko by two years, did his best to help. His small hands doing their part to set out plates and glasses.

As they worked together, Hinoko looked up at her mother with a hopeful expression. "Mom, do you think we'll be eating under our favorite Sakura tree today?"

(Y/N) paused for a moment, her smile widening.

She crouched down to Hinoko's level, placing a hand on her daughter's cheek. "I believe so, my sweets. Just a few more hours, and Daddy Kyojuro will burst through those doors with that fiery spirit of his. He'll scoop you two up and carry you guys to our special place."

Hinoko's giggle filled the room like a melodic chime as her mother's fingers playfully tickled her sides. "I can't wait to see Daddy," Hinoko exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

(Y/N) smiled, her heart warming at the pure joy in her daughter's eyes. "I can't wait to see him too, Hinoko."

Kijuro, sensing the excitement, clapped his hands in his own version of enthusiasm, his eyes reflecting the happiness in the room.

With the finishing touches on the lunch, the family stepped back to admire their work. The table was set with a spread of delicious food, their love evident in every dish.

"Okay. Come here, you two," (Y/N) said, a hint of mischief in her tone, "let's go freshen up and get ready."

Hinoko and Kijuro nodded in unison, their faces flushed with excitement as they dashed towards the hallway, already chattering about what they wanted to share with their father.

As (Y/N) watched her children rush off, she took a moment to herself, her heart filled with a mixture of longing and anticipation.

She imagined the joyous moment when the doors would swing open and her husband, Rengoku, would stride in with his characteristic charisma.

It had been a long journey for him, and the thought of finally being in his arms again made her heart swell.

"Just a few more hours..."

As (Y/N) went about preparing for the long-awaited reunion, memories of her life with Kyojuro Rengoku flooded her mind like a vivid tapestry of emotions. She paused, letting the warm recollections wash over her.

She remembered the day they had first met, both just sixteen years old, full of dreams and aspirations.

Kyojuro's fiery determination and unwavering sense of justice had drawn her in, igniting a connection that felt almost fated.

Her thoughts drifted to the time when Kyojuro had started courting her, his earnest efforts to win her heart leaving an indelible mark.

The memories of their shared laughter, stolen glances, and the way his eyes would light up when he looked at her made her heart flutter even now.

The day he had asked her to marry him remained etched in her mind as if it had happened yesterday. The nervousness in his voice, the sincerity in his eyes as he offered her a simple yet heartfelt proposal, had melted her heart.

She had said yes without hesitation, knowing deep down that he was the one she wanted to spend her life with.

The births of their children, Hinoko and Kijuro, had brought an unmatched sense of joy and fulfillment to their lives.

She recalled the way Kyojuro had held them, his strong arms cradling the fragile little beings they had brought into the world together.

Their family had felt complete, a beautiful picture of love.

Little did she know that tragedy was slowly making its way toward her, a shadow that would cast a pall over the life they had built together.

For now, she held onto the memories that painted her world in colors of love and warmth, cherishing the moments that had led her to this point in her journey.

Lunchtime had finally arrived, and the anticipation in the air was palpable. (Y/N) was in the midst of setting the table, her heart racing with excitement, when the distant sound of the front gates' bell chime reached her ears.

The familiar sound sent a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins, and her eyes lit up with hope.

She turned to Hinoko, a bright smile on her face, and gently instructed, "Stay put for just a moment. Watch your brother for me, okay?"

With a quick but purposeful stride, (Y/N) made her way to the hallway mirror, adjusting her appearance to look presentable for the long-awaited moment.

Her hands smoothed down her clothes, and she ran her fingers through her hair, her heart pounding in her chest.

The thought of finally reuniting with her beloved husband, Kyojuro Rengoku, filled her with both joy and nervousness.

The moment she had been waiting for was just outside the front gate, and her steps quickened with every passing second.

However, a sudden realization hit her like a bucket of cold water. As she neared the gate, her pace slowed, her heart sinking.

There was no sign of her husband.

Instead, she found a scout and a Kasugai crow waiting at the gate. Dread and confusion intertwined within her, clouding the excitement that had just moments ago filled the air.

Her eyes searched the scout's face for any answers, her voice trembling as she managed to ask, "Where is he? Where's Kyojuro?"

The scout's expression grew somber, and he exchanged a glance with the Kasugai crow.

His voice was gentle, yet heavy with regret, as he explained the situation that had unfolded.

The words hit (Y/N) like a physical blow, shattering the hope she had held onto.

Her husband, her love, was not returning as expected. Tragedy had struck, leaving her world shattered in an instant.

As the news settled in, (Y/N)'s heartache was overwhelming, and she struggled to hold back tears.

Her body felt heavy as the reality sank in- the perfect life she had cherished, the memories she held dear, were now forever altered by an unforeseen tragedy.

"Kyojuro is... Dead?"


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