|Chapter 8|

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Chapter Eight:

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Chapter Eight:

Giyu's lips quirked in an almost imperceptible manner, a faint hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his mouth.

He felt a sense of detachment from his usual stoicism, a gentle unraveling of his usual reserve.

As the room continued to spin gently, Giyu's mind swayed in the haze of the medication.

And in that fleeting moment, he found himself allowing his guard to lower just slightly, embracing the vulnerability that came with the effects of the painkiller.

(Y/N) observed the change in Giyu's demeanor, a subtle shift in his expression that she couldn't help but find endearing. With a quiet chuckle, she turned back to him, her smile warm.

"Looks like you're already getting to know the effects," she remarked, her voice gentle yet teasing. "Don't worry, it'll wear off soon."

Giyu's response was a faint hum, his eyes half-lidded as he allowed himself to be swept away by the strange and somewhat humorous sensation of the painkillers.

And as he lingered in that hazy state, he couldn't help but find solace in the presence of the woman beside him, even amidst the effects of the medication.

(Y/N)'s smile held a touch of tenderness as she watched Giyu succumb to sleep, his features relaxed in slumber. She turned to the Kakushi, her attention shifting to practical matters.

"When should he have the next dose of painkillers?" she inquired, her concern for Giyu's well-being evident.

The Kakushi's response held a note of professionalism as she relayed Shinobu's guidance. "Kocho-San advised giving the next dose after 8 to 12 hours," she informed (Y/N).

(Y/N) nodded in understanding, appreciating the information. "I can administer the next dose then," she said, her voice a blend of gratitude and determination.

"Thank you for all your help." She thanked the Kakushi for her assistance, guiding her towards the door.

Once the room was quiet, (Y/N) closed the door gently, the sigh she released a mixture of relief and a hint of melancholy.

Her gaze returned to Giyu, his form resting peacefully on the bed. As she approached him, her footsteps were measured, a sense of nostalgia and sorrow tugging at her heart.

Memories of her final moments with Kyojuro surfaced, the image of him lying beneath white sheets, his smile forever etched in her mind.

The parallels between Giyu's state and that memory were undeniable, and (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a pang of grief.

She paused by Giyu's bedside, her fingers involuntarily fidgeting with the wedding band on her finger. The weight of her emotions was heavy, a bittersweet reminder of what she had lost.

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