|Chapter 11|

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Chapter Eleven:

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Chapter Eleven:

Giyu, who had been pushing himself to regain his strength, looked up at Shinobu with a sense of determination in his eyes.

"I'm ready," he replied, his voice steady despite the lingering soreness in his limbs.

Shinobu nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit, Tomioka-San. We'll start slow and gradually build up your strength. (Y/N) will be leading your physical therapy sessions."

Giyu shifted uncomfortably as Shinobu casually mentioned (Y/N).

These strange emotions he felt whenever her name came up were undeniable. Clearing his throat, he tried to focus on the matter at hand.

"When are we starting the sessions?" Giyu inquired, hoping to divert the conversation.

Shinobu gave a serene smile, her eyes revealing a hint of understanding. "Don't be so impatient. (Y/N) will be finishing her morning shift soon, and she'll be here for the afternoon session shortly."

Giyu nodded, his mixed feelings still gnawing at him. He couldn't help but wonder how he would manage these emotions during therapy training sessions.

As Shinobu excused herself and left the room, Giyu was left alone with his IV and a whirlwind of thoughts.

His emotions churned inside him, a confusing blend of anger, guilt, and longing.

He couldn't deny the comfort he found in (Y/N) Rengoku's presence, yet it also terrified him.

Her touch ignited a fire within him, one he had trouble quelling. It felt scandalous, and his conscience was plagued by guilt.

After all, Kyojuro Rengoku, now deceased, had been his close friend.

Giyu's mind was a battlefield of emotions, and he desperately tried to make sense of it all.

'Don't think about it too much, Giyu. It's just (Y/N)... Dead calm, dead calmm.'

Giyu's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of (Y/N)'s voice greeting him and Shinobu at the door. He turned to see her standing there, a warm smile on her face.

"Good morning, Giyu. Good morning, Shinobu," she chimed in.

Shinobu grinned mischievously. "Ah, (Y/N), impeccable timing as always. I think Tomioka-San here might be more excited for your session than he's letting on. He's been quite impatient."

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