|Chapter 6|

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Chapter Six:

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Chapter Six:

Giyu's consciousness slowly emerged from the depths of sleep, his senses returning with a dull ache that pulsed through his body.

He winced as he attempted to move, feeling the soreness radiating from every muscle.

His brows furrowed in discomfort as he gingerly attempted to sit up, only to be met with resistance from the bandages that encased him.

Frowning, he cast his gaze downwards, his eyes narrowing as he observed the bandages that adorned his body. The realization hit him that he was injured, far more seriously than he had anticipated.

A glance to his side revealed a monitor emitting a rhythmic beeping sound, indicating that his condition was being monitored closely.

The beeping noise grated on his nerves, adding to the discomfort that already plagued him. But what truly caught his attention was the sound of laughter, a constant snickering that seemed to echo around the room.

Confusion clouded his thoughts as he looked around, convinced that he was alone in the room. His gaze shifted to the source of the sound, his eyes widening in disbelief as they landed on an unexpected sight.

Perched on the wall like some kind of mischievous spider was Inosuke, his distinctive boar's head mask grinning widely.

Giyu blinked, his mind struggling to process the absurdity of the scene before him. Inosuke, crawling up the wall with an agility that defied explanation, seemed to be engaged in some sort of peculiar antics.

"What...?" Giyu began, his voice laced with a mixture of surprise and bewilderment.

Inosuke's snickering escalated into full-blown laughter, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he clung to the wall like a gravity-defying acrobat. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty's finally awake!" he exclaimed, his voice exuding his typical brash enthusiasm.

Giyu's brow twitched as he tried to make sense of the situation. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice holding a note of incredulity.

Inosuke's laughter continued, his movements erratic as he clung to the wall. "Watching you sleep." he replied with a mischievous grin. "Thought I'd give you a nice wake-up surprise!"

As Giyu watched the spectacle unfold, a mixture of annoyance and bemusement settled over him. Inosuke's antics were as unpredictable as ever, and the sight of him clinging to the wall like a peculiar spider only added to the absurdity.

Suppressing a sigh, Giyu couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Just get down from there," he said, his tone carrying a hint of exasperation.

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