Chapter 1 - Returning Home

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Percy smiled as he climbed out of the taxi, only for that smile to fall when he saw the scene in front of him. Police cars were forming a barricade of flashing lights outside of his building. The twelve-year-old could see Gabe in the backseat of a car that was driving away and immediately knew what had happened.

He rushed towards the crowd and found his neighbor, Paul Blofis, among them. "Mr. Blofis!" he called frantically. "Please tell me he didn't. Tell me she's not dead!"

Paul only pulled him into a hug before leading him to the nearest police car. "Officer, this is Percy Jackson, Sally's son."

The officer looked at Percy with pity. "Let's get you down to the station," he said gently, taking Percy and leading him to a police cruiser.

Numbly, Percy nodded and climbed in the back.

They drove to the police station and Percy was given a small room to sit in while they waited for CPS.

They didn't have to wait long. Not even a half hour after he had sat down, a young woman came in and said, "Come with me, Perseus."

"I go by Percy," Percy mumbled as he followed the lady.

She smiled. "I'm Anna. Come on, I'm going to take you to the group home."

The group home was quite large and Percy was given a bunk bed that he shared with a boy named Alex. Alex was, to put it nicely, a jerk. He would accidentally lock Percy in the room when it was meal time more often than not.

Of course, the caretakers didn't notice a thing, despite it having been a month since he arrived. They just put it off as Percy grieving.

Consequently, Percy hadn't eaten in three days. Sadly, his body was growing accustomed to the lack of food and he doubted he'd be able to eat much anyways.

It was one of those days where he was locked in his room, when he heard a car pull up the drive. He peeked out the window and saw a nice, blue car with a man driving. He figured that he was there to adopt, and, since no one wanted to adopt Percy anyways, he just slumped back onto his bed.

He was surprised when, minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Gather your things, Perseus," the caretaker said. "Your father has come to get you."

Percy froze. Poseidon was there? Probably not. He probably sent a court representative to take him to Camp. He quickly unfroze and packed his few belongings in a haste, knowing it wouldn't do to keep a god, or even a god's representative, waiting. He tried the door and found that it was unlocked now.

Hurrying down the stairs, he almost tripped when he saw his father standing in the entrance. He was glaring at the caretaker, who seemed to cower under the ferocity of it. When he saw Percy, his glare quickly changed to a small smile. "Come on, Percy. It's time to leave."

Percy hesitantly made his way over. He wasn't exactly happy to see the god. After all, the last time he had seen him, he had told him he was a mistake. However, if it would get him back to Camp, he would put up with him.

As they got in the car, Poseidon said, "Sorry it took me so long. I had to get all the proper paperwork to prove that I am your father."

Percy just shrugged. "Are you dropping me off at Camp, then?"

Poseidon frowned. “You’re coming to live in Atlantis with me.”

Percy’s head snapped up to stare at his father. “I thought you didn’t want me,” he said. “You said I was a mistake.”

Poseidon sighed. “I never meant that you are a mistake, Perseus. I wished only that you were not doomed to the life of a child of mine. I have always wanted to be a part of your life, my son.”

Percy smiled a little at the revelation. “How am I going to live with you? Aren’t there laws?”

Poseidon smirked. “I found a loophole,” he said smugly. “As long as I claim you as a Prince of Atlantis, then you can stay.”

Percy lit up. “Really?”

Poseidon nodded and pulled over in a parking lot by the docks. They got out and Poseidon transported them to Poseidonis, the capital city of Atlantis, where the god’s legs turned into a dark green tail. “The ceremony will be tonight. Let’s get you settled in and you can meet my wife and son.”

Percy winced, hoping that they wouldn’t blame him for being the result of an affair. He followed Poseidon to a giant room, where he unpacked his few belongings before changing into nicer clothing. “Father, will they hate me?” he asked as they made their way to the family room, where he would meet his stepmother and half-brother.

Poseidon shook his head. “No,” he said. “Because I informed them of the affair before it happened, they will accept you. In fact, they are both very excited to meet you.”

Percy smiled and followed him into the room.

Inside was a beautiful woman with a gorgeous purple tail. She had black hair that was held back in a braided bun. Her piercing blue eyes scanned them before her face broke out into a small smile.

Besides her was a young man. He looked like an older version of Percy, except for the emerald green tail and longer hair that was in a man bun. He was shirtless and had golden bands circling his biceps and several piercings in his ear.

“Hi,” Percy whispered shyly.

Amphitrite, the woman, smiled kindly at him. “Hello, young one. You must be Perseus. I am your stepmother, Amphitrite.”

“And I am Triton, your brother,” the young man said.

Percy smiled. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Percy.”

Triton grinned. “Dad, can I steal Percy for the day to go shopping?”

Poseidon sighed and nodded. “Just be sure he’s ready for the ceremony tonight.”

Triton grabbed Percy’s hand before swimming away, pulling him along. “We’re going to have so much fun!” he exclaimed.

“What are we shopping for?” Percy asked.

Triton looked back at him. “You, little brother, need to look the part of an Atlantean prince. We’re gonna get you some new clothes and some jewelry.”

Percy tilted his head. “Can I get piercings like yours?”

Triton smirked. “Anything you want,” he said.

Percy grinned and allowed himself to be pulled all over Atlantis. As they shopped, Percy noticed that no one else had tails. When he questioned it, Triton told him only the royal family and their personal guards got tails.

"Where's your guard?" Percy asked.

Triton winked. "We have an agreement. As long as I stay in the city, he will let me be."

They passed a hair place, and Percy convinced Triton to let him dye his hair. It was done using magic, so it wouldn't fade or have to be redone and Percy could change the color whenever he wished. He chose a cobalt blue for the day.

After their shopping trip, Percy had several ear piercings on each ear, cobalt blue hair, plenty of different princely and casual outfits, several arm bands, necklaces, rings, and such.

They got back to the palace just in time to get ready for the ceremony, which they did in Triton's room. Triton picked out the outfit for Percy, keeping it formal and princely when Percy would have chosen a hoodie.  He made Percy change his hair back, promising he could do whatever he wanted with it afterwards.

Percy looked at himself in the mirror when everything was done and his eyes widened. He looked like a real prince. He turned back to face his brother. It was time.

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