Chapter 9 - Son of Neptune

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Percy didn't know why the gorgons' claws broke against his skin. Nor did he know why they wouldn't die. All he remembered was that his name was Percy Jackson, he was a son of Neptune, and he had a boyfriend named Kaldur. Not very helpful in this scenario.

He was following his inner compass and could feel that he was almost to where he needed to be. So, after a short conversation with the Stheno and Euryale, which ended with him chopping one in half, he slid down the hill on a sample platter.

Maybe not the safest option, but it was a better one than staying up with the snake ladies.

He narrowly missed a tree, glanced off a boulder, and spun a 360 on the way down. He hit the roof of the apartment building and the platter skidded away. As he fell towards the highway, he  had a horrible image of himself hitting the windshield of a passing car and some commuter trying to get him off using their windshield wipers.

Luckily, he missed the highway and landed in a bush. Not the most pleasant, but definitely better than the alternative.

He struggled to his feet and looked around. To the East, there was the entrance to Camp. At least, it was a fairly safe assumption that it was the entrance, considering the two children in armor standing guard outside of it. The one on the right looked like a girl, and the one on the left was a sticky guy with a bow and quiver. Both kids held long wooden staffs with sharp iron tips.

He wanted to run to Camp, but, at the same time, he wanted to go West, to the ocean. Something inside him was screaming that he was sin enemy territory.

"You're right, of course."

Percy jumped, thinking Stheno had managed to sneak up on him again. However, the hippie lady that sat in the bushes beside him was even more repulsive than a gorgon. At least they dressed decently.

She smiled, revealing exactly three teeth. "It's not a maintenance tunnel. It's the entrance to Camp."

Camp. Yes, Lupa had said that he needed to go to Camp if he wanted to see Kaldur again.

The gorgons had made their way down the slope and were pointing in his direction.

"Not much time, Child. You need to make your choice."

Percy frowned. "What choice? Who are you?"

The old lady cackled. "You can call me June. Oh, it is June, isn't it? They named the month after me! Just take me with you to Camp."

Percy's mind raced. "This is a test," he muttered. "June." His eyes widened and he bowed. "Lady Juno."

Juno rolled her eyes. "How anyone ever thinks you're dumb is beyond me. Carry me to Camp, Percy Jackson."

Percy nodded, glancing at the gorgons whom had now taken flight with small bat wings and we're headed towards them. He scooped up the goddess and began to run to the entrance, ignoring the honks of cars that were driving.

He somehow made it to the other side of the traffic alive and sprinted towards the door, Juno getting heavier with each step. He glared at the goddess, knowing she was doing this on purpose. As he ran, the male guard lifted his bow, an arrow notched.

"Wait!" Percy shouted.

But the boy wasn't aiming at him. The arrow flew past his shoulder and the screech of a gorgon followed.

Percy ran up to the two. "Thanks," he said. "Great shot."

The boy just frowned as Euryale pulled the arrow out of her head and just kept coming. "That should have killed her!"

"Welcome to my world," Percy mumbled.

"Frank, get them inside quick," the girl said urgently. "Those are gorgons."

"Gorgons?" Frank's voice squeaked. From under the helmet it was shard to tell much about him, but he seemed like a wrestler. Maybe, fourteen years old. Fifteen? "Will the door hold them?"

"No, no it won't," Juno cackled. "Onwards, Percy Jackson. To Camp!"

"Percy Jackson?" The girl looked at Percy for only a moment. "Okay, obviously a demigod. Then, who's the... Never mind we don't have time for this. Get inside. I'll hold them off."

"Hazel," the boy protested, "don't be crazy! Those are gorgons!"

"Go!" she commanded.

Frank led Percy and Juno through the tunnel. As they ran, the tunnel changed from a maintenance tunnel to something more... old fashioned. As they ran, the tunnel shook and he heard the sound of a gorgon squawking, like they did when he dropped bowling balls on them at Bargain Mart.

He glanced back to find dust where the entrance to the tunnel used to be. "Should we help her?" he asked Frank.

"Hazel's good underground. She'll be fine," Frank said, though he sounded unsure. "Just hurry up. We're almost there."

"Almost where?" Percy asked.

"Rome, Child. Rome," Juno said with a cackle.

Percy sighed and decided to ignore the fact that Rome was not in California. He crossed a river and lost his Mark of Achilles before turning the gorgons to dust once again, using his power over water.

Juno turned into a beautiful young lady that was twenty feet tall and everyone bowed except for Percy. He had done his bowing. Now, she would need to earn any further respect.

"Can I have my memories back now?" he asked impatiently.

"In time, Percy Jackson. In time."

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