Chapter 2 - The Ceremony

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When Percy entered the throne room, he nearly froze before forcing himself to keep moving. Everyone stared at him as he walked up to the throne and knelt before his father. He knew they were all the noble families from around Atlantis.

Poseidon made a speech before saying, “I now crown Perseus, the Second Prince of Atlantis.” He placed a circlet on Percy’s head.

Percy had to hold back a gasp as water swirled around him, transforming him. His shirt disappeared as his legs merged to form a beautiful dark blue tail that glittered like polished sapphires. Golden armbands formed on his biceps.

He rose and faced the crowd, as he had been instructed by Triton. They all clapped politely and he got the feeling they didn’t like him. Nevertheless, he smiled and sat in the new throne that was beside Triton’s.

After the ceremony, most of the nobles left. Only two remained. One was around thirty and the other was Percy’s age. Triton steered Percy over and gave them a genuine smile. “Orin, how are you? How are things in the mortal world?”

Orin smiled back. “I have been well, Prince Triton. The mortals still believe that I am King, meaning there is little chance of discovery.”

Triton smiled back. “Who is this?”

Orin’s smile grew. “Ah, this is Kaldur’ahm. He saved my life. As a reward, I offered to teach him myself.”

Percy tilted his head and observed the boy in front of him. He had dark skin but bleach blond hair. His blue eyes were fixed on the ground. He wore a nice outfit that was fit for the son of a noble.  He bowed to both Percy and Triton in the Atlantean way of greeting one whose status is higher than your own before rising again.

Percy smiled at him, ignoring the polite conversation that his brother and Orin seemed to be having. Perhaps he could make a friend in Atlantis.

Kaldur'ahm seemed surprised that Percy was even looking at him but hesitantly smiled back.

Percy swam over, moving with the tail coming naturally to him, and whispered, “Do you live in Poseidonis?”

“As of today, yes,” he whispered back. “Orin was requested to train and select the guard for the new prince. I suppose that’s you.”

Percy lit up. “We’ll get to see each other, then?”

Kaldur'ahm shook his head. “It’s unlikely,” he said. “You’re a prince. You’ll probably have duties to attend to and I will be training.”

Percy pouted and turned to Triton. “Tri, could I train with the guards?”

Triton tilted his head at his younger brother before his eyes landed on Kaldur'ahm and a look of realization crossed his face. “I doubt it,” he said softly. “Dad will have you in lessons all day.”

Percy’s face fell. “Alright then,” he muttered.

Triton hated seeing him so crestfallen and decided to make a compromise that he would force his dad to agree to later. “How about this, you get two days a week to do whatever you want. I’ll run it by Dad ”

Percy lit up again and a satisfied smiled grew on Triton’s face. He swore he would do anything to see that smile on his brother's face again.

Kaldur'ahm and Orin left, leaving Percy to swim around with Triton and get used to the palace.


Poseidon smiled as his older son came swimming up to him, chatting with his youngest. They both had blinding smiles. He was glad they were bonding.

"Dad, could Percy get a couple days off a week from lessons?" Triton asked when they reached him.

With both of his sons' baby seal eyes trained on him, his willpower crumbled. "Of course," he said. "How about Tuesdays and Saturdays?"

"Sure!" Percy said happily.

After the decision had been made, Triton hugged Poseidon and Percy smiled awkwardly, watching his father and brother interact. He wanted that relationship with his father, but didn't feel like it was available for him.

Perhaps, one day, I'll hug him like that.

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